Thanks again, Connecticut!!

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The International Monetary Fund?

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Ladies and gentleman, your 2000 Democratic Party VP nominee.

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Tucked in the closet like a reporter at a Joe Biden fundraiser?

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He's gonna need to see his physician, his warrection is lasting far beyond four hours.

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"...he’s about to pull another war out of his jowls of defeat."

That's some very funny stuff, Jack! Very funny, indeed!

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Can we bring back George "Dubya" Bush to give Lieberman a ten minute definition of the word "sovereign," where the only word he gets to use in the definition is the word he's trying to define? That would help me take my mind off a lot of this bullshit.

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i'm not watching that.

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Bush? McDonalds? Hitler?

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As they say in Darfur: If you can't do everything, it's best to do nothing.

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The Beatles?

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Woe to any of the nations near Israel, our 51st state!

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