I don't believe that a rising tide lifts all boats. I don't believe in trickle down economics. I don't believe in horse and sparrow economics. The time has come to engage in policies that confiscate the absolutely obscene accumulations of wealth and redistribute the same to the deprived. I have read that if we were to redistribute all of the wealth in this country to each woman, man and child on an equal basis, every such person would have a net worth of $800,000. Now I am not suggesting that be done on such a draconian basis, however, we all know that we could do a whole lot better in this country in sharing our wealth than we are presently not doing. . . .

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Weren't there reports that just such an initiative backfired in Maine? That Mianiacs didn't appreciate out of state types coming in and interfering.

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Which "mainiacs"? If you concede that some people in Maine welcomed out of state help, it follows that such an initiative is not necessarily doomed.

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Fundamentally, "we failed once so we're never going to try again" is not exactly textbook engineering management.

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Then need a sign that reads "I'm standing with someone who doesn't read signs".

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Somebody please whack Joe Manchin upside the head with votes.

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Long pork. Wait! That was a hypothetical question? Never mind, then. I was never here and if I was, I just brought in coffee.

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Joe Manchin sniffs his own farts. You heard it here first.

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Dead. We all knew this when it was decoupled from the infrastructure bill

If it even goes anywhere Manchin will have successfully watered it down enough that it might as well be dead

Such typical democratic “lawmaking” negotiate against themselves and water down their own bills. So sick of that bullshit

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Or a 2x4

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A good bit of his state

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Don't forget actually funding the IRS to do their jobs.

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Inflation was non-existent after the banks tried to wreck the economy in 2008 and we have been digging out ever since. Now things are better, and with people buying stuff prices go up. It's not that complicated.

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as if those mad eyebrows weren't enough, that grimace really is the icing on the angry cake.

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TFG's 2 TRILLION tax cut for the rich helped a lot.

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