That was really weird and painful to watch.

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"...Manchin...more determined to play footsie with the white supremacist political party."

More like...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2v...

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Now we eat potatoes.

(Im a "a Trouble," Irish man. Soooooo)

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and not one Republican thinks schools, and health care have any value worth casting a vote for?Because they are afraid to tax anyone?

Someone who won't pay tax, thinks The Constitution is not worth investing in.

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I like it.

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So well deserved. He really worked for this, and of course he'd really like to thank the little people that he shit on to get this prestigious award. I really thought it would go to Ms. Sinema, but I can't argue the selection.

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Millionaire cuts off funds for the middle class and poor.This is what happens when a country bows to an aristocracy. In this case a financial aristocracy.

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Your comparison of last year's legislative shitheel to Zoom is fairly accurate, but Manchin would never squander a golden opportunity to murder a super hero in cold blood.

Fuck that guy.

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Wow. Why did I not think of powerlessness as a way to change the world?

(Oh, wait, because it's fucking idiotic.)

And wut? I have been talking about ways Democrats can flip the script since last April. It's not my fault that you've spent all that time with your head up your own butthole that you can't hear a thing. All you want to talk about is be patient, its impossible to change things, worship Biden, and by all means, hate the far left more than actual Fascists. Oh, and also be grateful that Joe Manchin calls himself a Democrat even as he destroys our whole agenda...for payola.

Which side are you on?

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Unrepentant Scrooge.

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He's worked hard to keep them ignorant.

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She doesn't want the POS destroying the democracy.

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Concrete actions Biden can take to make Manchin do his bidding. List some or you're full of shit.

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Manchin can only do what he's done because The Party lets him. The real shitheels are the Clinton/Obama-era establishment Dems who keep insisting they have a "majority" in the Senate. As long as Manchin and Synema are "Democrats," they don't, no matter what they tell themselves.

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> This is what happens when a country party bows to an aristocracy.

Fixed. Until Dems hold their candidates accountable to the party's stated policy objectives--as the GOP has since Newt/Ronnie--it will keep allowing inside its "big tent" trojan horses like Manchin and Synema, who ensure that its efforts to lead are doomed.

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