This is the Sarah Palin Syndrome. The right wing nutz only support "just plain folks" as candidates. People with brains, accomplishments, or other liberal sounding achievements, just aren't political timber.

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"'I appear to be the only candidate in this Senate race whose entire life history matters to the media,'" Miller said Tuesday in a statement about the release of the records...

"Miller, who defeated GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski in the Alaska primary, has been dogged for months by questions about his work with the borough, which was a seven-year gap in his resume that he didn't include in his campaign site biography."

If that doesn't prove the GNoP is the party of personal responsibility, I don't know what does. Why in the world would "the media" bother to investigate the 7-year gap in a political candidate's resume? It's not his fault it looks like a state prison bit for a second time B&E conviction.

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I am such a failure as a computer geek that I still have to look up the HTML tags everytime I attempt a hyperlink, and I still see why that was stupid.

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Your rant should be a TV commercial. I'm not sure who should read it. Andy Griffith talks too slow for that to fit into 30 seconds. Suggestions people?

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In other words, he's a perfect replacement for Ted Stevens.

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We can all feel some deep satisfaction that the Republicans impeached Clinton and demonized him for getting a blow job and lying about it, with the result that Clinton remained president but Gringrich resigned.

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