That's right, and we're not talking about just 25%. Candy-ass things like hypertension can be considered a disabling condition, even if it's well controlled. It's amazing how an officer can be receiving walk-on-water performance reviews one month, and retire with crushing disability the next, with a nontaxable pension, at age 42, ready to work for a government contractor for another 20 years.

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Wikipedia says Bachelor of Science in Political Science, with honors, in 1989. So, Teabaggery Studies.

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Perhaps that is not a beard at all, but soot. Maybe his balls were burnt off?

At the very least we know his balls are missing, because that whole Stasi = cool act is just so much sackless overcompensation.

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Also bestiality.

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I demand he shows all of his appendages. All of them!

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and what will happen when wonkette wins a pulitzer for all this quality work, hmmmm?

it's all fun and games til someone gets a prize...

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PTSD due to delusions of grandeur.

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Lumberjack down made me laugh.

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WTF? That thing read like some kind of "journalism", which I have heard of even though I am not an elite.

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It's known as Gender Role Aphasia Syndrome in the DSM V. Popularly known as "Joe Miller's disease".

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He woke up one day and said: "You mean this is NOT the East German Army! Get me outta here!"

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