"He is our Obi Won Ketteer"

If Wonkette ever has an actual office, that statement should be enshrined on a plaque in the lobby.

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If Mongo no like smart people, Mongo should go to Alabama.

A statement you will never hear in Alabama: "Checkmate!"

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Maybe the "Ignobel War Prize", then

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So, you're saying there is hope?

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You know...not only is this current crop of TP candidates insane and/or incompetent, they are complete whining little wusses. C'mon Joe...put your "man pants" on. Yes, people want to know about the issues...but they also want to know about the character of the people who will be addressing these issues.

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Joe Miller sounds like someone who is in a WWII reenactment photo album, and not in an Allied uniform.

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Isn't that the laugh of the day? China...a strong and growing stronger industrial power doesn't have the ooomph to take on the US...but a bunch of cave dwelling primitives who seem to have been teleported from the 15th century and given AK-47s does.

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The right must really hate the Nobel Peace Prize committee by this time. I’m sure some of them are considering starting their own conservative version but the word peace must have them stymied. Then they need to find someone with a solid wingnut background who left a lot money in trust fund for the awards who didn’t spend the last years of his life in prison or exile for some unmentionable act of perversion.

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"The "Nobel" War Prize"?

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I just had a sad...you know why the Joes of the world will win? I just got in contact with a friend from high school on Facebook. Yay, friends...right?

a. He believes that global warming is a hoax

b. He is an officer in the local Bigfoot Field Research organization.

For every well informed, thoughtful Wonketeer-type, there are one hundred Todds.

God help us all.

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Who wants the Federal Reserve Board to include an economist who believes that stimulus programs actually work? They can't possibly work b/c I know people who are unemployed.

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Giving Palan credit for pioneering that style of “campaigning” insinuates some sort of original thinking on her part. I think there is trail of poop flinging politicians that have blazed the trail for Palan like Rove, Gingrich and Reagan’s handlers.

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If his new slogan -- "Character doesn't count" -- works, that's good news for Palin in 2012.

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I think Paul Bunyan would have called them "flapjacks" -- only some effete commie would call them "pancakes" (or worse, "crepes").

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