I'd like to dispute the notion that a Stephen Miller erection could be seen from space, or even while present in the same room, for that matter.

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Even if he was naked and standing in front of a black backdrop, and you had a big Harriet The Spy type spyglass, tweezers and a flashlight. Not even then.

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I pray that Rogan dies in a drawn out painful manner, preferable shitting blood. Fuck him.

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“He’s got to unite people.”

Neither Joe Rogan nor Donald Trump gives a damn about “uniting people.” The whole point is to just say it on the air so their side sounds high-minded and virtuous. Now back to planning the concentration camps.

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that was such a good show, it’s really too bad about …everything that happened with everyone on it

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Joe Rogan before no hair and lots of steroids.


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Joe turned into Phil Hartman’s character.

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I'm starting to think a regime of steroids, testosterone supplements and testicle tanning might be bad for the brain.

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And this guy makes $65 million a year doing this…

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But don't call his listeners stupid. Apparently we're not allowed to do that.

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They are stupid.

So fucking cancel me.

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Something to remember...many of us hope that the nazi's get what they deserve and all the assholes that sat at home and didn't vote do too...but if we think they'll learn anything from dump crashing the economy, a horrible recession, losing their job/home, etc...that's not going to happen. Just look at how people still adore Ronny Raygun...and frankly it was difficult to find a damn job, the economy was not doing well during that second term but people voted in elder Bush and then fired him after 4 years because "it's the economy stupid" and yet...the time many of these assholes want to go back to are horrible times for most people...so don't bet on anyone remembering anything that happens in the next 4 years...it will be the Dems fault/Biden's fault in some way, no matter what.

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They don’t even remember the dumpster fire that was 2020.

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As I was drifting off to sleep a few nights ago I thought that Harris' campaign should have had some "Are you better off than you were four years ago" spots. With footage of bodies being crammed into mobile morgues and people on ventilators and funeral homes doing visitation with drive-through lines to view the bodies of the deceased and shit fer brains telling people to drink bleach and shove a black light up their ass.

Because the reporting was that PAB left office with 41 percent approval ratings and that around election time 48 percent had a positive view of him. I mean, that's impossible, well it would be in any sane country where people weren't irredeamable clueless fuckwits, but it's reality here in 'Murka.

Other ads could have shown people in stores with no toilet paper and other fun things that people seem to have memory-holed from their minds.

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My gallows humor take is that at least the punk scene will be lit again. Hopefully we can get some that don't turn out to be sex pests twenty years later too

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In 1988, at the end of St. Ronald's second term, my mortgage was 10%.

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Humans, but Americans in particular, have an amazing inability to not learn a fucking thing from the past. I think it's the "rugged individualism" ideal we've baked into our national identity that has become "step on anyone who tries to help me or needs help themselves; they don't matter as long as I get mine."

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Sting has a song about that, "History Will Teach Us Nothing".

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Always has been.

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Tragedy then farts

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Angry, disgusted Gary Legum is very, very entertaining. Thank you Gary, you are not wrong and I enjoy reading your posts. TYSM!

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And Joe Rogan is a fucking millionaire getting richer by the day because he knows how to fellate his bros. Is that crude enough for the repugnican base? Rogan can fuck all the way off to fuckoffistan. Elon should pack Rogan in a suitcase when he goes to Mars. YEAH, I'M STILL MAD ABOUT THE ELECTION.

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It’s nearly impossible to even attempt to read any news right now. It feels like the msm has surrendered and is in “can’t beat him, join him!” mode. Endless, predictable opinion pieces about how Harris lost not because she’s a woman of color in a deeply racist, sexist nation, but because we keep acknowledging LGBTQIA people and simply being too progressive. If we were more conservative, and ok, yes, offered a white man candidate, we’d win.

It’s always tough to overcome the built-in sentiment that the current administration isn’t doing enough for working class voters and therefore change is necessary. Long before Trump, America was a nation of finicky people who vote because of how they feel, not necessarily because of rational thinking. Life is simply hard much of the time. Even when the economy is good, people are employed and gas prices are low, it’s easier to convince people the opposite is true than to reassure them. That’s the entire GOP playbook. Unfortunately, even when Covid was killing people and Trump was tweeting, golfing and ignoring America’s problems in 2020, Kamala probably would have lost against Trump. It breaks my heart to think how much better and different America would be if HRC were finishing her second term, and Kamala were about to start her first.

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I read the obituaries every morning hoping to find Trump listed there,

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I don't pray, but if I did I'd pray he lives till the end of his term.

JD is sentient even if he's just Theil's puppet, and therefore much more dangerous. PAB is going to be creating chaos that will help mitigate the worst of what is to come. FElon will find himself under the bus even though he's making his tiny jumps in the air right now over what "control" he thinks he has over PAB - good luck with that, asshole. PAB churned through everyone in his administration the last time and he's even more erratic and paranoid than before.

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It'll probably be on the front page, but below the fold.

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I'm rooting for the unchewed Mc Cheeseburger.

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Ta, Gary. I vaguely remember hearing the title News Radio and not giving a flying duck. I've never listened to Rogaine's podcast and have no desire to start now.

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The weird thing is that Joe played an unhinged conspiracy whacko at the odd little radio station; either he wasn't acting, or he assumed the role like a muscular Baby Jane.

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also he was the janitor or somethjng

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So his TV role was what planted the seed of his eventual role in life? I’ve heard of stranger things.

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I feel like I’m living in a liminal space of unreality since Trump got re-elected

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Come on in, the water is kinda hot but manageable.

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Said one lobster to another.

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Oh, Froggy.

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Joe was *the worst* and *the least essential* part of News Radio. Phil Hartman's ghost wants a word with *THEE WORST JOE EVER* about completely wasting one's very waning talent/talents to get rich while shi**ing on everyone else. 😑

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This is how you know there is no god - Phil Hartman is dead and Joe Rogan is alive.

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How I wish I had a dad in the ChronoGuard (SO-12) who could take me back to the 90s.


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