Gee, the first memory I went to on that was being gawked at by straight folks at a gay bar.

Yeah, fuck you, Andrew Yang.

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Punching down is easy, and it serves as an attractant to terrified people who are used to punching down freely but who are now being questioned on the practice. Right-wingers always punch down.

Why? Well, they’re assholes and cowards, and punching up is way too scary.

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Yes. I should have specified white male truckers. They're the ones who listen to fascist AM radio and suck it all in

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One of Elvis Costello’s best and most popular songs (“Oliver’s Army”) uses “white n—” because it’s about English oppression in Ireland, and that’s a term white British soldiers used regarding the Irish. He’s performed the song for years, but he just announced he won’t perform it on upcoming tours.

He said, “I’ll play ‘What’s so Funny about Peace, Love, and Understanding’ instead.”

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JFC how hard is to just not say that word and be a kind/decent/empathetic person?

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She wouldn't. She is no funnier a comedian than Rogan is. And that's not very funny.

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I suspect she's referring to a chin strap. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Thank you Stephen. This shite must be called out, every time.

Tangentially, if this guy is admired and followed by so many, I feel sorry for females attracted to males who are attempting to navigate a world full of such guys. At least the Rogan followers are easier to spot than ever...

Also tangentially, I am seeing and hearing racism fucking everywhere now. Because it is everywhere, always has been, and I would just like to live in a world where the Isms are dead. What a monumental waste of human lives and potential in this world, letting Isms prevail.

Please let's not let the Isms people win.

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I grew up in the South and learned, as a white person, to NEVER use that word. That lesson stuck and I just can't, even when quoting others or singing along to songs (and I enjoy hip-hop). It sickens me to hear other white people say it. My daughter was rapping along to a song in fifth grade and accidentally said it, and she's STILL mortified about it.

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Cummings, there is nothing particularly "irreverent and dangerous" about calling people N*****s except in a racist sense. It's dangerous because contempt for minority groups and women gets people killed sometimes.

As for the bit about "question authority," people in power positions tend to be white men, not brown or black men (or women).

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What did Akwafina say / do?

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Andrew Yang must be the dumbest Chinese-American in the world.

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nope. not over that braindead motherfucker's idiocy.

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Yang and Rogan need to get a room.

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"Joe Rogan can't be an ill-educated COVID misinformation fountain. Some of his best friends are doctors!"

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Wake me when we can't call people like Joe Rogan an asshole anymore.

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