You didn't warn us about the site jump. Now I have epilepsy.

Thanks for that.

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I'm so glad that Mika is finally divorcing Joe, she was alway too good for hi....

WAIT! That's not how it works on TeeVee?

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as far as you know

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being allowed to mindlessly bloviate on TeeVee IS a benefit from his Congress stint

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...alimony and child support is <strong>SOCIAL WELFARE!!!</strong> Why don't those children(pronounced: Welfare Queens) get a job in coal mine or sweat shop like those hard working Chinese kids?!?!

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...hey I'm on the perv train right alongside you

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<i>he makes $99,000 per week. PER WEEK. $400K a month. Close to $5 million per...</i>

Job creators. Gotta love 'em.

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I'm more worried about the chifferobe ...

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I could live on that rounding error.

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