Klobuchar and Steyer should absolutely drop out. Just because they CAN continue doesn’t mean they should and IMO they’re now hurting the race. And obviously Gabbard, but she wants to hurt the race so....

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Ross Douthat's latest op-ed in New York Times [...] is actually worth reading.Holy cats, there's a sentence I never would've thought I'd see.

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Bloomberg needs to go too ... at least if moderates want a shot at this thing. I'm fine with either Sanders or Biden (the only two with an obvious path) so I don't really care that much ... I just hope the "moderates" don't nuke the place if they keep losing.

IMO Gabbard is a non-issue, worrying about her feels sort of like worrying about Deval Patrick (also still in it).

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I thought the first horse out of the gate is always the winner./s

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Yep--and considering Sanders is a longtime member of Congress, it's clear that by "establishment" he means anyone not on the party's far left, which is quite a lot of people (not to mention those who aren't even in the party and are simply moderates). Saying "screw you" to a solid chunk of the country seems an unnecessarily bold risk. Sure, lots of us hate Trump and will vote for Sanders anyway, but how many will just be too turned off to vote? Why make it harder than necessary for them to support us?

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Speaking just for myself, I'd have been thrilled to see any of the candidates just solidly and consistently eviscerate Trump, and ignore the fact that there are even other candidates in the race. I don't even care about policies, because they're all going to push things in the right direction if elected, but demonstrating "I can gut Trump like a fish and leave him watching his entrails ooze out" sends the message that this is the fighter we want to send into the arena.

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Like Southern California vs. the Zonies?

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The challenge, I think, is that the primary has gone on for almost a year now. And while not every voter even started paying attention until recently, there's no evidence that certain major dynamics will change. For instance, Buttigieg and Klobuchar will never do better than they currently are with the POC vote. You don't go from 2 percent to anything competitive within the same primary cycle. Hell, Biden could drop out and endorse either candidate and it wouldn't necessarily improve their AA numbers. Ayanna Pressley is awesome but she's not moving the AA vote much for Warren.

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Fuck you,Joe!

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the rusty garden weasels are implied

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The banks also hate her. I wonder why.

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Speaking of Morning Schmoe’s tax bracket, you’ll note he didn’t suggest that the two billionaires who arrived tardy to the party step down and give the others some breathing room. That those two, who both tout their charitable natures, didn’t help the ‘causes’ they support but, instead, chose to make themselves the ‘cause’ only proves that they are nothing more than than Trump-with-real-money.

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The NYT article claims that Bernie currently has 45 delegates. 1,991 are needed for first-ballot convention success.

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Joe, I've mostly admired your 180-degree turn about drumpster. Not this. I'll also let you know I just voted (only mail-in ballots here, thank jeebus!) for Warren.

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Patrick dropped out I think.

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Just FYI, Biden's poll numbers have seen a very sudden jump in SC just over the last few days. I have a hunch he will come back after all--full circle. As far as ppl dropping out, well, I agree Amy has no chance and should drop out, but I disagree that Warren should--she's no worse off than Pete, who, if we were being fair, should drop out himself "for the good of the party" and the country. (So, yes, sexism.) And Warren needs to stay in just to keep trashing Bloomers, since Bern hasn't done a good job of that so far. And I might mention Steyer, who is almost totally under the radar but has made significant strides and is hovering near 3rd place in many polls. The poll numbers have changed so dramatically over the weeks that it's clear this primary is not business as usual and there's really no predicting what will happen (pundit pronouncements notwithstanding).

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