I just stopped playing MW3 and saw your comment!

Right-wingers like to blame the First Amendment for mass killings. Violent movies, not enough government run religion in schools, video games, the internet. They lament the deterioration of our culture and how it has -- in their view -- opened the door to gun violence.

The point I was aiming for is blaming changes in culture lets me argue that changes in gun culture (and technology) are to blame. I think I failed, partly because it's a false analogy. My playing FPS games may be killing my thumbs but when I stand my ground, no one else gets hurt.

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Given the mood of the public, even that might work out surprisingly well. Every other country on the planet gets along pretty well without a "right" to carry weapons.

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Why is it important to handcuff change before we even start it?

Within the NRA, it's called "strategy": Make the public believe that the Second Amendment is so sacred that repeal is not even a rational topic of conversation.

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Snark off.

Sorry, Scarborogh deserves ZERO credit. Any amount he's changed is ONLY because -- as he admits -- it now affects him. NOT because it's the right thing to do, but because he now realizes his previous position may come back and bite him (or HIS children) in the ass. Too bad for all the previous slaughter, that was someone else's problem.

Just like Dick Cheney supporting gay marriage -- ONLY because his daughter is gay. NOT because it's the right thing to do.

So fk him -- he's a loathsome scum.

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we were talking about this very thing last night over far too many glasses of pretty decent prosecco.

we all entirely agree with your suspicions.

and by the way, it seems like since the election, all sorts of republican shibboleths are getting clobbered. though in this case, at an obscene price.

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<i>it's too easy to simply blame it on the NRA</i>

no, it's not really.

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If the technology of video games, the internet and movie production are contributors, then so too is the technology that lets a gun reload itself (semi-automatic) and fire as fast as you can pull the trigger.

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I appreciate the 9/11 reference because almost as many Americans are killed each month by guns as in the 9/11 attacks. We did a lot in response to that day.

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Mail him postcards with the kids' photos. Every fucking day of his life.

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