Sam W is not humanity. Don't give up on real people yet.

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Objection! Presumes brain not in evidence.

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This fool is a good example of the sometimes corrosive effect of fame. When he first fell into his fifteen minutes, he was just an opportunistic bald-faced liar. But he liked the spotlight, sure enough.

Now, like hundreds of other once-slightly-famous people who are now irrelevant, he's learned that you can get a little news coverage hit by saying something shocking. I wonder what his kids think.

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did not know plumbers needed guns.

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Hell...JTNP couldn't even win shitstain of the week. The competition out there is too tough.

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Projection: despite its origins in Freud's work, apparently a completely real phenomenon.

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According to every dickweed with a right-wing radio show these days (and that's all of them, Katie) moderates don't have backbones. In fact, <i>no one who isn't actively cowering in a tinfoil-lined bunker</i> is as compassionate, brave, and generally a paragon of humanity as whichever dickweed with a right-wing radio show happens to be bloviating.

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This is what being brainwashed by talk radio looks like.

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I'm sure that Joe the fake plumber is perfectly OK with Beck's crocodile tears though

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My go-to remains Yeast Infection.

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Back in a minute, I have to go rage at the heavens else I may say something that will violate Da Rules.

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Fucker must have attended the Sarah Palin School of History and the Social Sciences.I'd call him a prick but a prick has a purpose this dumbass not so much so

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<i>"there haven’t been any goddam reforms"</i>

Connecticut, Colorado, New York, Delaware(I think) passed various restrictions on gun type and capacity. States rights!

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<blockquote>Left-leaning politicians and their lapdogs in the mainstream media want to use this “crisis” to further chip away our rights. They want to use these deaths to gain more power and more control. They only care about the victims so long as they serve a purpose: The killings are useful, the grieving an opportunity, the survivors are props in a staged circus of phony outrage, but with real people now damaged by the very policies the Marxists hope to arrange more of.</blockquote> Change it to "right-leaning" and "9/11" and what have you got?

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I'm sure he meant "with votes". <i>(re-reads story)</i> Nope. Time for some legal problems in Joe-Town.

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Certainly not by Sarah Palin™ when talking about Joe Biden.

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