<i>"We must now choose between allowing interest rates to rise or piling billions of dollars on the backs of taxpayers."</i> -- R. Kline, R-Minn

Oh boo hoo. Now you need to make a decision. Being in Congress is harder than you thought*.

While you're crying in your Dom Perignon, think about some of the hard decisions your fellow citizens face. Mortgage or food. See the doctor (w/out health insurance) or hope it's nothing. Have the rape baby at age 40 or drive 750 miles to get an abortion. _______________________ * In theory. There is no evidence he actually thought.

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A "campaign issue," as redefined by these GOP liars, is anything that reveals what obstructionist grifters they are.

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Pull the other one. You're too sharp to believe him about anything.

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Now, c;mon, the Speaker should know - he's <a href="http:\/\/www.flyertalk.com\/forum\/practical-travel-safety-issues\/1150512-incoming-speaker-boehner-avoids-airport-security-he-flies-home-ohio.html" target="_blank">above submitting to a TSA patdown</a>, so obviously he's the expert on flying with integrity.

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Because when white muscular Republican Jeebus stands his ground and shoots a gay black Muslim guy in a hoodie ... that's the Real America™.

You gotta admit, it's exceptional.

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She does look terrible in that second photo.

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Vote for Mitt He's our bland. If he can't do it No one can.

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"We must now choose between allowing interest rates to rise or piling billions of dollars on the backs of taxpayers.”

In GOPtardistan, putting the same billions on the backs of students is perfectly OK. Probably because those young commies are gonna vote for Obama.

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GOP logic:

Welfare Queen:Cadillac::Obama:Air Force One

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