Nanny state Obamacare robs diabetes patients of dignity to die without government interference!

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Who needs a bunch of healthy moochers anyways?

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So, it's been proven that Obamacare causes diabetes! Got ya there, Libtard.

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Oh if the republicants win the presidency, then it will be repealed and we will all be welcomed back to the Guilded age. And don't ask any questions about what's in your hot dogs.

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They will just live longer and eat more.

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I often explain to people that Robocop was a documentary on privatization, filmed in real-time.

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Five years and Republicans have yet to come up with even a draft plan to replace Obamacare? One marvels how they're even able to find their own seats in Congress during the few days that they're even there.

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You couldn't have found something from the original version? :-(

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I wanted a pic that showed the privatization which was harder (for me) to find.

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Two words: Place cards.

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Only for Republicans, where it includes health insurance provided by private companies. To me it means government employee docs in government-owned hospitals, as in Italy, England....and the VA.

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This is why America is exceptional. The Cruzer understands this.

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“Committees are continuing to work on that and I’m sure we’re gonna see one soon,” House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) told reporters on Thursday when asked if there’s a Republican replacement to Obamacare.

The Republican Underpants Gnomes are on the case! and only awesomeness can result!

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affordable healthcare is tyranny

Excuse me, that's spelled t-r-a-n-n-y.

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Well, they have the 'id' part of 'ideas'.

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I know, right? Now God's just going to have to kill off that many more during the End Times, since only 144,000 are getting the Golden Parachute.

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