He meant "We don't have a majority of people with functional brain stems."

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Are any of them capable of that level of cunning?

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That would explain it. My housemate prefers CNN. Less thinking involved.

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"I can criticize, and I do, for what people do, for their behavior."

"And I can praise people, and I do, for what people do, for their behavior. Dog fuckers, for example.", Rick added.

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"...and I think we have to look at it in a way that is compassionate and respectful of everybody."

THAT will go over really well in the primaries. Remember when the audience applauded the gay soldier webcasting from Iraq?

Ya. Neither do I.

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Let's see if I have this straight: Obama needs to stop blaming a past President for the country's woes...............yet they will blame a possible future President for their own problems?

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"nattering nabob of negativism"FIFY

Bill Safire

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Because someone who isn't a Senator anymore should be doing what about Senate bidness? This makes no sense.

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That we know of...

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You'd think he'd be happy about that...

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She needs to make a formal statement so they can they all yell, "Shut up and stop interfering with Senate business. And also Benghazi/VinceFoster/Travelgate/Benghazi/blowjobs/Benghazi!!!!!!!!!!!!" Or something.

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No one. That is a statement about the Kardashians, not Bruce. But no one should ever marry into that family.

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Listen, we’ve got a majority here in the House and in the Senate. But we can’t do this by ourselves.

Because you can't keep your own caucus in line? Just thinking out loud here.

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I haven't followed this closely, but my understanding is that Jenner asked to continue to be referenced by 'he'. So - and I feel dirty just typing this - Rick Santorum was correct.

<runs off to the shower>

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Worst. Breakfast. Cereal. EVAR.

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