Or just skip and goto 12, which is very creepy... It talks about Hitler's health towards the end of the war (like a government shutdown), and he is doing everything that he can to salvage troops to fight the last battle at Berlin. Ironically enough, he's praising TEENS/KIDS (Covington hats) lined up preparing to go to final battle (that he knows that he's going to lose). One of his advisors (Turtle), thinks that they might have a gleaming chance to overcome Russia, the Allies, and America, all attacking from different directions... Which the Nazis lose real quick.

Instead of fighting back and giving up, he commits suicide with his wife at the end of April...

Found it eerie as to how it relates to now...

More OT, sorry.

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Bolton = War Criminal

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churchill was a white supremacist goon

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remember the tantrum this scumbag had about the ICC a few months ago?

only the US has the right to prosecute other countries' leaders for human rights abuses

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lol he had effusive praise for bolsonaro. he's the CIA's puppet. he's a right-winger

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I know journalists. I’ve even traveled as one to dangerous places. I don’t mind being murdered and dismembered, unlike that snowflake Khashoggi, who keeps complaining like it’s a big deal!

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They pretty much still are...they basically dictate our foreign policy regarding Cuba.

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On the flip side, my most leftier-than-thou friends are now literally sharing Maduro propaganda videos on FB.

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I sense that American and Latin American History were not Bolton nor anyone in the trump administration's field of study.

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Bolton is trying like hell to go to war with someone and people are simply not cooperating. So he becomes a bellicose as possible under the circumstances. What good is it going to do to be Secretary of Defense if he can't go to war with someone? It's like masturbatus interruptus.

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Cubans in Venezuela? They’re either medical people, playing baseball, or buying groceries to send home to the black market.

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His mouth look like a butthole with teeth and a mustache

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But also splendid.

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I wonder if it occurred to Bolton that after Dubya recognized a military coup against Maduro's predecessor, which proceeded to fail, maybe meddling is Venezuelan politics was not such a hot idea.

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The National Security Mustache needs to have the approval of Congress to send troops. Good luck with that.

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NOT FAIR! I hope Hamper Cat yodels the song of his people throughout the night at your bedside!

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