While the Republicans keep pushing that the leftist are swayed by higher education...

There are two professors in Trump's realm...,(gag me)...Both should be kicked out of their profession. I'd be asking for my school fees back if I had either Navarro or Eastman as a professor.

I know of people at UCSD who peg Navarro as a idjet...

Seems Eastman was cut loose pretty damn quick..use our messaging system...got the evidence for the court... And he's the president/dean of his school...?

No wonder so many lawyers aren't connecting facts in a coherent manner...

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While the Republicans keep pushing that the leftist are swayed by higher education...

There are two professors in Trump's realm...,(gag me)...Both should be kicked out of their profession. I'd be asking for my school fees back if I had either Navarro or Eastman as a professor.

I know of people at UCSD who peg Navarro as a idjet...

Seems Eastman was cut loose pretty damn quick..use our messaging system...got the evidence for the court... And he's the president/dean of his school...?

No wonder so many lawyers aren't connecting facts in a coherent manner...

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Apr 4Edited

Maybe disgraced Eastman can go back to running for public office, and losing, over and over. That seems to be the only racket he's any good at. His February 23, 2023 whining at the Albuquerque newspaper wasn't his smartest move, either -- unless Eastman just doesn't embarrass easily.

What happened to this poor misbegotten loser, back in the Banana Republic of Texas? He seems really damaged by something. No wonder his poor kids, Benjamin J. Eastman and Christina Wheatland have gone nowhere in life.

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Whomp motherfucking whomp, motherfucking notalawyer John Eastman.

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It consistently amazes me how many supposedly intelligent and capable people are able to convince themselves of this nonsense, and throw away their lives over such twisted and blatant lies.

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I can't get over the fact that this clown isn't already in jail. But then again, that sentiment applies to a number *ahem* of PAB associates...

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Eastman’s children are now out here in an “open letter” comparing him to Jesus on the cross

Just when you think the Trumpers can't get anymore outrageous or offensive....;;

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It certainly explains why the 10 commandments had to proclaim: Thou shalt have no gods before me"

I had just assumed that 'christians' didn't need that explicitly written out...It just seemed kinda redundant to me...But boy howdy, you gotta spell it out for them EVERY FUCKING STEP of the way

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Yeah, yeah, yeah...

That was then...This is now..!

The dumbing down is jaw dropping these days?

F..., they can't keep a coherent thought in their mind...

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What is wrong with these people? How crazy did you have to be to actually believe you could ignore the election and place Trump in office illegally? That all of the rest of us would just say "oh, well" and accept it? It's hard to imagine anyone being that deluded. I've known some batshit crazy people in my time, but nothing close to this.

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In 5th grade I knew more about the government than they do, many decades older...


While I wasn't a great student grade wise...I was Great for recall.

Plus 2 2nd grade I was reading HS materials...

Probably needed more direction or stimulation.

Still reading though!

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The plan was for PAB to invoke the Insurrection Act to put down any protests that were sure to happen when he was installed illegally. They were pretty open about that, if I remember correctly.

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the myopia of low empathy...they never even CONSIDER that not everyone thinks like them. They can't conceive themselves being in the minority...Minorities are the LAST thing they want to be seen as....LOL

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They got away with it in 2000 and 2004. The amoral shenanigans that allowed the Reptilians to put Sith Lord Cheney and his puppet Dubya in the WH should have been smacked down at the time. It just emboldens them when you let them cheat and win.

While we can never match the constant spittle-flecked rage of the wingnuts, we on the liberal end of the spectrum DO need to fight back, to be aggressive. Let us make "a liberal is someone who won't even take his own side in a fight" another falsehood, rather than a rueful admission.

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we need to create an infrastructure that exists and thrives BETWEEN presidential election cycles...Explicitly attaching the 'democratic party' brand on good works...

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This is the least of what he deserves.

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What he 'deserves' is something I'm not allowed to say here on our Wonkette

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Eastman is the legal equivalent of a quack doctor. He clerked for The Honorable Royal Sir Clarence Thomas, so he was screwed from the start. His perversion of the law to try to delay the certification of the election based on zero evidence of fraud deserves severe consequences. He’s a key figure in The Big Lie, which will continue to affect our elections, namely the safety and security of election workers and voting machine companies and elected officials for many years. Trump and his thugs know how easily manipulated his base is. Facts are valueless. Perception is everything, and lies work. Say them, repeat them, shout them, and double down no matter what. No matter how many courts, audits, recounts and Republican secretaries of state assure them the election was normal, fair and secure, the majority of them still embrace The Big Lie. It’s impossible to calculate the damage inflicted by Eastman, Rudy G., Team Kraken and Trump. So fuck Eastman’s kids comparing him to Jesus and begging for money. Pull up your boot straps and go earn an honest living. And instead of bemoaning “woke mind virus” like a complete fool, use your father’s shameful behavior as a cautionary lesson.

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Not a strict believer myself, but if I were, I'd be deeply offended by any mortal man comparing himself to Jesus. Yet people who profess to be devout Christians buy into this blasphemy

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While I'm not really religious...All I can say is "Gag ME."

Who the F are these people?

More concerned about my usage of the F word, than coherently following their expressed beliefs.

All for show..One trick pony...

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Like Jesus on the cross Eastman couldn't do anything about the punishment about to be delivered unto his mortal body.

Sucks to be him. Jesus I mean, not Eastman - he can fuck right off.

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"Being Jesus on the cross means you don’t have much use of your arms for furious drafting, but never mind."

Oh Marcie, I do think you're getting the hang of this Wonkette place

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'It was okay to delay the certification because people were worried about election security because we told them lies about election security” might work as logic for Fox viewers, but it doesn’t fly in front of an actual Judge.

... unless the judge is named Aileen Cannon.

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Is a disbarred lawyer allowed to represent himself in a criminal trial? 'Cos that would be fucking hilarious (and guarantee he loses).

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Yes, because you can represent yourself in court, “In Pro Per,” without needing a license. But, as the old saying goes, “he who represents himself has a fool for a lawyer,” if your own lawyer self is also disbarred, you have slipped beneath “fool” to “epically stupid” territory.

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Question for lawyerin' types: If you're disbarred in one state, could you hypothetically take the bar exam again in another state and re-bar yourself?

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Hypothetically, yes. But that presumes that you are permitted to sit for the bar. I would ordinarily think that no state Supreme Court (typically the ultimate arbiter of bar eligibility) would allow him past the character and fitness stage, but the times are weird. I could see a ruby red state court permitting it for BS reasons.

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Agreed. You’d have trouble passing the ethics/character and fitness and background checks. But nothing surprises me anymore in America, especially in red states. They seem to have a kink for things like this - giving a license to a wingnut lawyer disbarred in a blue jurisdiction like DC or California. That fits. Any opportunity to own the libs and stick it to a blue state. There is a reason people keep moving to Texas and FL in record numbers. They are fast becoming havens for far-right policies despite FL being expensive and insurance becoming nearly impossible there. If the cost of living doubles, it’s worth it if you don’t have to look at rainbow flags and you can tell racist jokes without any shame. Freedom!

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I got a rebar right here for Eastman, just sayin'.

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Rebar, lol. Chef’s kiss.

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