Best of luck to Senator Fetterman and family. I know any sort of medical health crisis is a lot and it can take a toll on your mental health as well. I wish them nothing but the best of luck getting through this.

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I've been out sick because of depression this month. Also going through medical stuff that exacerbates the mental health stuff. I would have checked myself in but there are no providers lolololol :-(So I got you guys and memes. https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Get well, Senator Fetterman! And you’re right, Wonkette. Everybody deserves healthcare.Medicare for All!

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Lovely, Dok, just lovely. And loving.

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Yes, thank you for highlighting the support he has gotten from his wife and peers.

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Well, mass shootings always bring about serious discussion of gun control, so ....

I got nothing, obviously. Thanks, Dok, for bringing the Senator's situation into simply personal terms. Best wishes to all the Fetterman family.

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Thank you Doctor Zoom.

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Been there, done that, GET WELL SOON SENATOR!

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Hear, hear. Well said.

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Heck with 50 years, attitudes on mental health have drastically changed in the last 20 years, with prominent people openly talking about their issues.

I hope it helps people in the younger generation to seek help and recognize they’re having problems.

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Just the stress alone keeps cortisol and other fight or flight hormones at high levels which can trigger depressive episodes.

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God knows, if I had to look at the likes of Cruz and McConnell every day, I’d have serious depression as well.

Heal well, Senator.

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Sen. Fetterman’s realization that he could no longer manage his depression without medical intervention, his commitment to following medical advice, and agreeing to crisis care will inspire others to do the same. Many people will start a path to healing. Countless lives will be saved.

Meanwhile the GOP is focused on blaming mental illnesses for everything while rrefusing to spend any money on expanding mental health care.

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