Wait. We're not allowed to make fun his name? So much for that so-called freedom.

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If Hickenlooper does his job right, she should be able to plant a conservative white cory.

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I think California water, also too.

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Iraq Barack Hussein Obama LIBEL?

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Thank FUCK. Next...

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Jayzus! After talking about Hickenpooper dropping out of the race and what a great guy he is Velshi and Ruhl said next we're going to talk to another Democratic candidate trying to make it to the debate stage Tim Ryan! Then they flash to Tim Ryan who is grinning like Donald Trump. Desperation is a sad look.

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Good night, Red. Sweet dreams.

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Good idea. I also just considered who would I like to see in the next debate and thought maybe I should send some money to Castro.

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I'd like to see Sen. Hickenlooper, Sen. O'Rourke, and continue to see Sen. Gillibrand, Sen. Booker, and so it goes.

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I guess that's why the news is all over WaPo, MSNBC, CNN, NYT, The NY Post, etc., etc., etc.... and the RWNJ Washington Examiner - which flew this headline today:Autopsy points to possibility Epstein was strangled: ReportWhen MEs find broken hyoids and neck bones, they often declare that these "apparent suicides" are homicides. Wait for the other evidence to emerge. And, why is Barr trying to scapegoat the locals before any official findings have been made?Sometimes Occam's razor just doesn't cut it. Grow a brain.

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Wow, I hoped thought he was dead.

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I for one am not in support of the anti Flickenblooper-name-funtimes proposal. I think we need to keep that shit UP even if we do want him to take Cory Gardner out. We could consider it part of a name recognition campaign!

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The clown at a party for preschoolers with ADHD?

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I got blocked by a rando on the Tweeter for suggesting that Beto drop out of the current race and run for senate, noting that when he said he was gonna take his fight "directly to the heart of the problem," that the senate WAS the heart of the problem.

Evidently Betoids are more fragile than BernieBros.

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Juan Hockenpoofter. Jaune Hasenfluffer. This is way too easy, so it must be very, very wrong.

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