Have you heard about this? It's working: http://www.inc.com/jeremy-q...

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Holy crap, he has tiny hands.

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A matriculator, eh?

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So where does the GOP go from here? By the 2020 election they will all be wearing those beanies with propellers on their heads I guess.

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I'm Latina, I want Kasich to give me some money also, too!! He can clean his own fucking room though!

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"fast-food restaurants putting in kiosks and middle-management people being upset that they can’t get a raise."

WTF is he even saying? Build your own Big Mac? Machine dispensed pizza? Oh, and by the way, median pay hasn't kept up with growth for a damned generation because of Saint Reagan! That's why I am upset I cannot get a raise (and why I've decided to curtail my productivity on Wonkette).


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Believe it or not, McDonald's is actually testing self-serve kiosks. Of course, they claim it isn't going to impact staffing levels since they still have cashiers for people who can't work the machine.

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For an asshole, Kasich is tolerable, but just barely. He pretty well acted the role of A Asshole when he served in Congress and chaired the House Budget Committee. He wanted a Constitutional Amendment to require Congress to balance the federal budget, with an exemption for the military in times of war. To allow an exemption for programs that help address the increased needs of the poor during severe economic downturn, he is a Republican, I got mine, screw the poor.

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I bring my own soap when I go to the hotel. Does that mean I don't have to tip?

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Oh FFS. Maybe they can innovate, I dunno, better food?

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Same thing happened to me in Athens. They stole jewelry and money. Moral of the story, never ask for extra soap.

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Are we supposed to pretend Ohio Gov. John Kasich is one of the cuddly not-so-bad Republican presidential candidates?=======

No! To hell with him! - Ohio~

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"Kasich was simply trying to praise low-wage workers of all Mexican backgrounds for doing shit jobs."

And that is as good as it gets, folks.

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“It’s very important that we don’t raise the minimum wage willy-nilly and we end up throwing out of work the lowest and the most unskilled workers,” Kasich said Sunday on “Fox News Sunday.”

I think there are elements in this country that really, really wish we could have slavery and indentured servitude back.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if after this attack on the 14th amendment, prominent conservatives start attacking the 13th amendment.

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Depends. Do you bend over and pick it up in the shower when you drop it?

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