As will I, especially if the GOP allows everybody, candidates, delegates and the legions of dolts, to bring along their second amendment iron dicks just in case there is a bad guy in the crowd. Hopefully. What a spectacular convention that would be, fireworks and all.

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As I've said elsewhere, if the Democrats nominate a head of cabbage, that's how I'm voting. I have serious problems with runny milkshake, who is so obviously beholden to big dairy. I'm frankly surprised that doesn't bother you more. Maybe it would, if you were a true progressive.

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Somehow 'CabbageBro' just doesn't roll off the tongue...

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Jeb Bush is an adult? Holy shit I must be the most mature person on the planet. I still wear comic book shirts.

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It’s not like, well, that’s good enough for government. You’ve got to win.” W.T.F.? oh, I get it, bought and paid for by Koch industries! Really these guys have been way too, all, "yea, of course I'll <airquotes>support</airquotes> the <airquotes>nominee</airquotes>". It's too much like they all know the fix is in, and how it's going to happen. Drumpf better get a taster on retainer. Just saying.

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been there, done that. do.not.want.

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I don't think Governor Haley can do it on her own.

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sry Mittbot2016 is programmed to go active and trigger Judgement Day already.

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Just enough of us to keep the lights on.

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So so so so SO rooting for a brokered convention.

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Kasich, darling, I'm pretty sure that's not how a "race to the bottom" works.

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as long as they don't take it out onto the streets, I'm good with all of this. It's bad enough CLE is probably going to get stuck with the bill on all the havoc they inflict on us.

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Comments aren't allowed on Wonkette. Don't you read the articles? They say that all the time there.

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Really, Kasich got into the race and was nearly left out of the first debate in OHIO! Oh wouldn't that have been embarrassing. And now can't even command the polling lead in OHIO! Oh isn't that embarrassing. And, has a very good chance of losing OHIO. Oh wouldn't that be embarrassing.

Given that recent history, he is just narcissistic and delusional enough to believe his win by losing and take it at a brokered convention strategy will win him the nomination and the enthusiasm of OHIOANS for his candidacy will propel him to the White House.

When he first got in the race, I used to fear a Kasich-Rubio ticket figuring that each could deliver the swing state that decided the W elections, but I was wrong. Neither can deliver their home state. How can either expect to be president? I mean, this shit is just embarrassing.

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so Chris Christy was promised a spot at the convention!

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