Because it's in the Constitution?

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I know it is, but it seems like low population states have the first primaries, and basically set the tone for who the nominee will be.

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True, but I think DC's unique identity would prevent that from happening.

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It's Representatives that are based on population count. The idea behind every state having two Senators is to prevent a small group of heavily populated states having their own interests outweigh the rest of the country due to sheer numbers.

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But shouldn't the 8th largest economy in the world(California)with a population of over 38 million people, have a larger say in the Senate than a state that has a population of of less than a million? Not saying this should happen, what with the Constitution and all. It's just an idea Mr. 798 and I have been kicking around.

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No, because of the different responsibilities between the House and the Senate. It's weird and extremely hard to explain, but we're just going to have to trust the Founding Fathers on this one.

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You're right, of course. But these are the same guys who thought African Americans were 3/5ths of a human being, and also gave us that lovely, lovely 2nd amendment, which is now the only amendment.

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Even a broken watch is right twice a day.

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Maybe someone also told him there are women thre too who have left thier kitchens.

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" If DC at 700K gets its own senators then why shouldn't every city with a population of a million or more get a brace of senators as well?"

The difference between DC and other cities with a population >700K is that those cities already have representation.

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Wow, a more bumbling non-answer I've yet to read today.

But it's way early here, and I haven't heard from the Trumpette or $arah or such yet.....

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Yeah, however did he come up with this brilliant "plan"?

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'We don't need no stinking Constitution!'

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Sort of like women demanding the right not to be pregnant against their will. Oh, yeah. That's what Roe v. Wade decided.

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They already have West Virginia for that.

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