Opposite-sex mate only.

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Well! Kasich is "going to have to say some things" !! That settles that. Kasich automatically gets to be POTUS & Sarah Palin gets to drive a snowmobile around the White House, emptying chamber-pots. It's like "Morning in America" all over again, even though it wasn't the first time.

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The very best thing about the republican fight club, so far, jeb pissed away 150 mill (according to time mag) and all he got was the title of being the biggest financial loser of them all.

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I voted yesterday. I wrote in Frank Underwood. He is my favorite option.

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Sadly for Florida, he will run for governor. The demz will find some dumb shit political hack and marko will be our next train wreck.

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First he has to get those kids off his lawn

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Since I've never looked at this guy, because he doesn't warrant a blip on the radar, I didn't realize he had no eyebrows. Where the hell are his eyebrows?

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Stop dividing by zero

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I was always ambivalent towards Kasich in a "Who's that?" kind of way. Now my hatred burns with the heat of a thousand suns; I did not need to picture Trump naked!btw-Fuck the Donald in his pampered & pompous D- persona.

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You're welcome.

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today's the day we either see Kasich totally finished or on his way to becoming a Cinderella story.

Rubio is most likely to lose, but don't worry Rubio-Tron 3000 fans, he'll say he won and continue in mediocrity.

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honest to god (imaginary or otherwise) I never thought I'd see Republicans who were more spineless than your average 1990s/TwoThousandeez Run O'the Mill Democrat. Wtf? and also, too, Jeebuz Effin' Christ on a Stick. Who'da guessed?

I hate Trump and Cruz with the heat of a thousand billion microwave ovens, but GOOD FUCKING LORD, PEOPLE what the FUCK is wrong with the establishment GOPers?

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You must have hit a "do not link" version. Maybe I can help.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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"...I’ve kind of had enough, I’m going to have to talk, going to have to say some things,”

"That guy, darn him all to heck. I'm sorry to get so vulgar here, but darn him. Darn him like a cheap sock."

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Pretty to think so.

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we referred to blig jr as the "plague monkey"

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