Can we please stop calling him”General”? *Mister* Kelly (and Mister Mattis) are civilian officials in the US government. The only general in the White House is McMaster.

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Part of that was that paid labor could be discarded and left to their own devices (i.e., starve), where slaves were a lifetime investment. Or so when the argument back then

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Lee was there to see the San Patricios hanged at Chapultepec. He should have suffered the same fate after Appomattox.

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It's good to know that Kelly is a supporter of slavery and the Confederate traitors. Fuck Kelly..and then, fuck him some fucking more.

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Hey, we could deregulate slavery now!

You could either have slavery or not have slavery. Leave it up to invisible hand of the free market to decide.

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To be fair, Hitler thought he was doing the right thing. Why couldn't they have compromised by killing half of the Jews?

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A 4 star General who hasn't studied the causes of war?Bet he's got an MBA....

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He's the finest the Marines have!

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Women are still held in bondage without equal rights.That's how they attempt to regulate a constitutional right.

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I had two great grand uncles who served under him.

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Draftees ought to remember that the same people who gave them a gun are threatening them. These problems can solve themselves real fast.

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Tried to click the amazon link for the book but it took me to a sign in which then said I was not authorized to access Amazon Associates which I assume is the Wonkette type account thingy and not where that link was meant to go. Does that link do that for everyone or just me (maybe ad blockers at work?)?

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Based on Gen. Kelly's analysis of the antebellum USA, I won't call him scholarly.

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Funny thing about stupid people, they seem to lack any realistic sense of humility. I doubt if any of them would try to pick up a violin and compete with Itzhak Perlman, but they always feel comfortable presenting arguments to their intellectual superiors. Maybe it's because they are so stupid they don't even know they've been utterly humiliated.

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You know the klansmen and neo-nazis were raising a toast after the fine performance of their boy Kelly. They should send him an award for his service to the lost cause.

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