Nah, they just need to get the Toy Story Etch-A-Sketch as a rombot stand-in.

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I'm confused. How is an "expert debater" a good stand-in for (R)Money?

This is gonna leave Obama totally unprepared for the random idiocies he's going to have to deal with in the actual debates.

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I have a Nunzilla -- I cannot recommend it highly enough. Recovering Catholics never fail to fall down laughing.

As for the nuns on the bus, more power to 'em. I hope they really press the question, <i> "What would Jesus cut from the budget?"</i>

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Reach into his chest, and then go "Wait, what the fuck...???"

While Cheney smirks knowingly.

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He'll need Anne's help, to drive the other Cadillac.

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If these dog-and-pony shows were in fact debates, that might be an issue. But really, they're mostly just a series of opportunities to deliver prefabricated little speeches.

If the moderator manages to goad the candidates into making actual spontaneous statements, Mint Mormoney will be toast, and you can be sure his programming will be designed to prevent that.

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Maybe hallucinogens will be involved, to nail that patented Rmoney allergy to truth and consistency.

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I just can't see Kerry trying to tackle Obama and cut his hair.

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Kerry is too lifelike and down to earth.

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I hope Obama will wait until Romney states an obvious lie and then shout "You lie! You lyin', motherfucker!"

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I could not believe the "purple heart band-aids" the Republicans had out that year.

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I'll tell you who is black, articulate and would be fun to watch Romney debate: Ving Rhames.

From Pulp Fiction <i>That's just pride fucking with you.</i> I think this statement summarizes my impressions of Romney's leadership.

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John Kerry is much too lifelike and too smart to be (r)Money's standin. Besides, who other than Mittens himself can seemlessly shift from one position to the other then back to this orginal then shift to...

“I was amazed. I’m standing next to a guy who has the most blatantly dishonest answers I can remember in any presidential race in my lifetime… I don’t know how you can debate someone with civility if they’re prepared to say things that are factually false.”

Newt Gingrich on Mitt Romney

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