At a time when Fuckface von Clownstick wants to gut the ACA the commenters at Faux News could really use psychiatric help.

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Exactly!! Well said , Its why no one ever talked about the civilian death toll or even the soliders death toll during the first Gulf war. You dont ever get the sense people died in that war. I remeber the Right whinning about the media reporting the death toll during the occupation, complaining it was undermining the morale.

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Ya, but...was it a cat or a dog?

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As a veteran and retiree I have no issue with anyone dodging the draft. None at all. I don't care what the reason for avoiding it was.

I volunteered for my service and kept on volunteering for two decades. I doubt I would have done that if I was compelled to serve.

With that said, I have issue with those who avoided the draft then and come back now as super hawks. You had your chance to serve and bowed out for whatever reason. You do not get to come back now and cheer on a war there is no chance you will serve in.

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Interesting! As a lifelong observer of Southerners, I've always wondered why we're such angry assholes.

The Civil War was started in my town, which was settled by French Hugeunots, and English aristocracy, mainly, but I believe there was a pretty heavy Scottish contingent, too. I found an old plaque on a fence one day that was talking about how some Quakers had fled to Charleston because of its religious tolerance. Charleston is currently the one blue spot in a big red state, but i think its because of the influx of New Yorkers and college kids.

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Only thing that would make that better is if McCain spiked trump's underwear with herpes and said "I guess you lost your Vietnam too."

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*stares blankly*

(is blankly even a word?)

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When he switched from a Democratic elitist fuckhead to Republican elitist fuckhead.

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You nailed my comment. I also have no issue with anyone dodging the draft, in fact I rather admire anyone who found a way to do it. My older brother turned 18 in 1968 and would undoubtedly have been drafted and sent to Viet Nam if he had not chosen to enlist in the Navy instead and ended up on nuclear subs in the Pacific. And you are absolutely right about the super hawks. I particularly despise people like Trump who avoided the draft and today is always saying how much he knows about the military and generals, so much he knows, he knows the BEST. He doesn't know shit from Shinola.

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Never heard of Irish Alzheimer's before; that's a great thing to know.

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"Like Charlie, every minute herpes squatted in the bush, getting stronger, while Trump got weaker."

Herpes don't surf!

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Hey, John John, you know what would have probably not contributed to civil unrests and drugs and free love?Not having had a fucking war and backing our fucking allies to begin with.When we promised to.But then took it back because "note white"

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It's heart breaking and honest.

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It was a clusterfuck long before American involvement. We were warned.

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Listen to Dan Carlin's Hardcore Histories series on WWI. It's called Blueprint to the Apocalypse and is absolutely harrowing. He mixes historical events with analysis, then throws in some personal accounts written by men on the front lines. Expect to be changed as a person.

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Well, there definitely was a lot more bush in which herpes could hide in the 70s...

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