there are quite a few of us that have never voted for him. Trouble is, we're outnumbered by his fellow oldz warehoused in places like Sun City who are so fossilized that they see him as "that nice young man Johnny"

you guys tired of Walnuts? Then quit sending your parents to AZ to die

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Zombie HST would kick Trump out from underneath his hair.

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Panamanian strongman Juan McCain knows how well bombing (both covert and overt, legal and illegal, discriminate and indiscriminate) in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos helped us win the Vietnam War.

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John McCain has released a public response to this post:

Maverick. Maverick maverick, maverick maverick maverick maverick. (Maverick.) Maverick maverick maverick, maverick. Maverick: Maverick, maverick, maverick, maverick. Maverick MAVERICK!

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<blockquote>Truman: You're fired. </blockquote>

So have you heard from the Don yet about the lawsuit for using his trademarked phrase?

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But then I would never had met my ex-wife... So, obviously, I fully support this sentiment.

Hell, I am still wondering when and how the Irish started being considered "white." Used to be that whiteness had to do with your bloodline, not just the fact that you are pale.

Bigots these days, I tell ya. Lazy bastards, the lot of 'em.

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