"Mommy, what's G-O-P Governance?"

"That is a myth. It doesn't exist. It was started by the kinds of irresponsible people who say things like everything that ever happens is 'good news for John McCain.' They're also known as Editorial Journalists, and Pundits. Now fuck your chicken, Billy."

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Rollin', rollin', rollin'.

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There's the benefit of your Hahvahd education right there: the dude knows some history stuff and isn't afraid to use it, whether it's appropriate or not.

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The wingnuts have gone so far around the bend that their heads are starting to catch up with their asses

They’ve gotten themselves so adrenalized with fear, paranoia, and Red Bull that every time the the phone rings they dive behind the couch.

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Kids say the darnedest things. You ain't seen nothin yet because moderation was not elected in 2014.

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Young Punks- isn't that wonket frenemy Cenk Uygur's hangout?

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all ten percent of them, unfortunately

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lawn(s) FIFY

Mittens, also too

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This is good news for John McCain

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“Unfortunate, unfair, unnecessary, unwise,” said Lindsey Graham, who is close to party leaders. (referring to some batshit crazy thing Bachmann said... again)

He also forgot untrue.

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