It's a shame you can't see her face under all that undertaker's plaster.

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Mrs. Ida Lowry wore it best.

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He's not a common Lindsey Graham.

Even Lindsey Graham isn't a common Lindsey Graham since McCain died.

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You are entitled to your opinion, however wrong it may be.

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Yes steady with canonizing McCain. The "maverick" often caved to GW Bush when his political courage was most needed. I don't know where that myth started, but I seldom if ever saw it in action. He was on no higher ground than a common Susan Collins. Indeed caving to agree to select Palin was the political mistake of all time (although if it helped Obama defeat him, I applaud it), and has had horrible ramifications (named Trump). His dying "thumbs down" on eradicating Obamacare appeared heroic and cornball dramatic, but I'm wondering if it wasn't just an unprincipled eff you to Trumpf.

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I don't know. What's more closed than Blockbuster? Photomats? Ye Olde Typewriter Shoppe?

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Oh I'm right and the laws in Italy surrounding what can be put on pizza is on my side.

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you mean that making public appearances while looking like the bastard child of the late Divine and a blow-up sex doll isn't her intention?

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Once Lindsey learned of McCain's longevity he hooked onto Trump - long before the Senator died. Notice what little importance Lindsey was in any of the funerals.

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We should all reply to the twit about her existence provoking the left "Who are you anyway? Are you some relation to the famous former POW McCain?

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It was actually SNL.

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I get really distracted by Megs intricate braided up-do's and the heavy eye make-up that she has done to her. None of it is flattering, and just makes all of her "conservative" posturing seem even more inauthentic. She is the new Tammy Faye.

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Meghan suffers from delusions of adequacy.

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Depends. Does The Tramp enjoy being vomited on?

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A message to the Clown Princess of Arizona:https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Normally I don't go in for criticisms on appearance, but an accurate Divine reference gets you a pass.

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