When my mother was in nursing school in New York City in the late 1930's, they had separate wards for white and "colored" and when some of the student nurses from southern states found out they had to do rounds in the colored wards, they dropped out.

They also used to have segregated blood supplies, and if they were out of "white" blood and only had "colored" blood, they had to get written permission from a white patient to give them colored blood. And some people refused it, and died.

Those things don't happen anymore, but the same level of racism is still there, it just manifests differently.

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Gorgeous. I'm so jealous of her hair!

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Handy's are over rated.On that note, how long do you think it is until this degenerates into erectus jokes?

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Just to be clear, I definitely would not fuck the lizard. English accents were never really my thing.

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I didn't know I was supposed to. I just thought her dad was hot, which leads to side hugs, then a babby.

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As one half of what is described as an "interracial couple," I say yay Jack McCain...and suck it, interwebz racists also too.

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My beloved and I have only ever gotten the stink-eye from older south Asian ladies.

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... yeah, Denmark's pretty awful. Not content with deliberately baiting devout Muslims with the Jyllands-Posten cartoons, now they've got a policy of actually confiscating all valuables from refugees. They're the worst country in Western Europe apart from Britain.

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Uhhh, that top of Lt. McCain's T-shirt, looking brighter than Rush Limbaugh's lily white ass, could be from Old Navy. The crew necks are about 9 bucks this week.

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Seattle Seahawks ran a great ad last year with a BIGGG guy sitting on the sofa holding a baby that seems to have that beautiful cafe au lait skin color, and a black woman comes out of the kitchen with a plate of "maybe" pulled hot brat sandwiches. Next scene, the dude is on a ladder putting shingles on the roof, and she comes out of a Seahawks cave--columns of smoke and flames, no less-- and hands him up a hammer. Sweet. Absolutely total mixed race sweeeet. You can see it here [ https://www.youtube.com/wat... ].

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Good for Jack McCain. Using his own marriage to Tell racists to get a life! That's a plus in my book.

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Ms. Gnome, raised in a good Irish Catholic family, was fifteen when she went to her first Protestant funeral and discovered that everyone didn't drink at funerals.

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This really IS good news for John McCain!

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They are pretty adorable.The smiles on their faces are what really stand out for me, they are so very happy and in love and that is as it should be. Have a kick ass life you crazy kids!!

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You're a strong person and the racists in your family are beneath you.

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