Shit like this is why the Bernie Bro "Never Biden" people drive me nuts — even if you don't love Joe Biden, at least he will fill his cabinet and administration with sane people who actually know what the fuck they're doing! The presidency is so much bigger than one person, and the sooner we can kick these know-nothing partisan hacks to the curb, the sooner we can begin to repair the damage Trump has wrought over the last 3+ years.
I honestly don't know a lot of smart Republicans. Most of the ones I know are either dumb as dirt, or rich. The rich ones I can understand why they'd vote for the GOP, but the poorer ones (who are also the dumber ones) are just straight up idiots. I mean they literally have no clue what's going on in the world, and when I present them with a fact, they pretend it doesn't exist. We're all entitled to our own opinions, but when someone tells me "the economic boom started when Donald Trump was elected." I'm just like "no, you're wrong." Even after I prove to them they are wrong, they will continue to believe what they want to believe. It's bizarre.
College taught me to approach problems in different ways, and to check sources, and what scientific "theories" are, and how the scientific method works. I didn't learn anything in particular, but I did learn how to think. Sadly, I find this a skill that most Republicans do not have, whether they went to college or not.
I really have no idea why the youths don't vote. You'd think school shootings and global warming and Donald Trump would be enough to motivate them to vote. Let's hope this time a few of them show up.
"The Lincoln Project"
The small town mayors are experts in corruption .
The Republican Party, and the Confederate Culture which has captured it, must be destroyed.
Failure to be taught Humanities and Liberal Arts. Logic, empathy, critical thinking are grounded in the arts.
Shit like this is why the Bernie Bro "Never Biden" people drive me nuts — even if you don't love Joe Biden, at least he will fill his cabinet and administration with sane people who actually know what the fuck they're doing! The presidency is so much bigger than one person, and the sooner we can kick these know-nothing partisan hacks to the curb, the sooner we can begin to repair the damage Trump has wrought over the last 3+ years.
Well, he has "rat" and "cliff" in his name, sounds like he is perfectly qualified for the current "administration".
Totally agree, along with appreciation for the non-tangible and non-conformist those of things.
I think that’s the reason for the systematic defunding and cutting of music and liberal arts programs in education at all levels.
Shrub had the good sense to lay low. Pendejo can't stand to not be in the spot light. He won't disappear quietly.
500 quatloos that Ratliffe simply ignores any request to meet Congress.
I have "smart" Republican friends and relatives which is why THEY ARE DEAD TO ME.
Fortunately none are immediate family. But all are too damn close.
I honestly don't know a lot of smart Republicans. Most of the ones I know are either dumb as dirt, or rich. The rich ones I can understand why they'd vote for the GOP, but the poorer ones (who are also the dumber ones) are just straight up idiots. I mean they literally have no clue what's going on in the world, and when I present them with a fact, they pretend it doesn't exist. We're all entitled to our own opinions, but when someone tells me "the economic boom started when Donald Trump was elected." I'm just like "no, you're wrong." Even after I prove to them they are wrong, they will continue to believe what they want to believe. It's bizarre.
College taught me to approach problems in different ways, and to check sources, and what scientific "theories" are, and how the scientific method works. I didn't learn anything in particular, but I did learn how to think. Sadly, I find this a skill that most Republicans do not have, whether they went to college or not.
I really have no idea why the youths don't vote. You'd think school shootings and global warming and Donald Trump would be enough to motivate them to vote. Let's hope this time a few of them show up.
I'll have to look up Chase Koch, since I've never heard of him. I always hope the kids of the super rich will rebel against their shitty parents.
For fuck's sake.
Dead cert. No one will take that bet.