Given that smarter people are more likely to ignore or even block phone calls from unknown numbers, my guess is their sample may be a bit skewed.

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Nah, only most US citizens who are willing to answer a phone call from an unknown number.

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“Fuck this shit”

This is Wonkette. We have no filters. Digital or otherwise.

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There is a difference between popularity and effectiveness. To the degree that Robert doesn't make people think about him, except for what he isn't- member of Congress, Democratic, the guy who beat Trump, or courageous- he's "popular."

Considering the number of people who don't want to think, I'm not surprised, so much as disappointed. In all of them.

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Certainly pear-shaped. With Tots.

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I read it in a British accent. Agree about the filters.

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811 is nothing. I wonder if that's the number they could get done before they wanted to break the story (once they broke the facts).

I'm still wondering what the Venn diagram looks like for landlines and Republican gerrymandering, because I bet that would skew "randomized" numbers. But I wouldn't want to be a conspiracy theorist, or anything.

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All the white wing has to do is put on an illusion of being reasonable to be considered respectable

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Roberts dumped preclearance for the Voting Rights Act Section 5, and Republican state legislatures immediately started passing draconian voting laws. Roberts said preclearance is no longer necessary because "Times have changed." He doesn't get out much.

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Oh, there are some filters. They mostly involve violence, and while violence are my favorite flowers, I prefer profanity much fucking more. I can live without my favorite flowers. Oh, and 'fixed'.

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Followup for those who approve of Jerome Powell: Please name a thing he did.

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Well, I mean, when Dump was POTUS and I got stuck in traffic or whatever I would blame him, but it probably was his fault.

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Where is the justice in his Supreme Court?

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Yup, orange dumazz was the cherry on top of the Neo-con shit sundae they have been scooping up since the Ronny Raygun admin served as the incubator for all these azzholes.

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Pretty much in the hands of Sotomayor and Kagan.

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I'm wondering just who the hell they were polling. I can't believe most average dumbass Americans even know who most of the officials named are.

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