First! Impeachment!

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Roberts is a tool of the oligarchs.

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I am at the eye doctor with my 94 year old mom and this is a certain kind of hell, to be sure.

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Adam Schiff is my official lord and savior. #Schiffianity

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"Wanna shit on them, Trump lawyers?"Is there an institution or person they wouldn't shit on at this point?

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Upon hearing this testimony one assumes Susan Collins is now somewhat concerned.

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Hey is our country a Russian annex yet? I'm losing hope and freaking tf out

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Someone posted that she is as disliked in her state as Yertle is in KY.

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Okay, well, it WAS kinda boring, but then again, the trial of the most corrupt, venal, evil person to hold the office of POTUS isn't supposed to be about entertainment, which the Fox idiots and their viewers don't seem to get. You know who else thinks it and everything should be about entertainment and ratings? The criminal doofus on trial right now! So "suck it up", Cultists!!!

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Seems to me the fact that Republicans are not concerned about the next Democratic president asuming the mantle of imperial president (ie king) which they have given to Trump, means that they don't believe there will be another Democratic president (ie they want Trump to be their forever king). These people are authoritarians to their core, and the weakness of the American democratic system are giving them free reign. Also the weakness of Americans who refuse to see them for who they are. Bothsidesism on the part of the media and average American voters will be the death if America.

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It's gonna be lit when we do tho

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Yes, it is long and boring, but I am impressed by how prepared the Dems are for these many long hours- especially Schiff and Zoe L. I also love Val" I was a police officer god dammit" Demings.

In contrast the idiot lawyers pro- Trump forgot their slides yesterday, and could only let their regression panties fly with "Biden, Hillary, Server, and Nadler" because they basically have nothing to say, but get to charge by the minute.

Because this is our country that's hanging by a thread I'm going to hang in and hope at least 3 or 4 of the Reps. are reborn and grow consciences.

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I love chicken soup with rice! That song takes me back to my childhood when adults wanted kids to eat healthy (and cheap.)

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