John Sununu - needs to eat more ham.

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Yes, spread your manatee anus far and wide!

Some sentences should probably never be written.

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Listen Honey Snoo Snoo, I think your big man said "elegantly stated," not "burped-up Luntz butter."

Back to the drawing board. Also, next time, leave the Truck Nutz at home. They are not even close to appropriate neckwear.

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Well, yeah, but it only sounds like that to you because your head is not up your ass.

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Oh please. I have <i>neighbors</i> who have enough hollow points to kill every man, woman and child in the US. And they're the reasonable ones.


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This actually expands the manatee anus (aka, John Sunununununu) into a whole new memic regime.

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I'd prefer to kill John Sununu*, if you don't mind.

*with votes, of course.

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Hey SnuSnu! You've heard of Warren Buffet, right? Go talk to him about "class warfare".

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They have the money, we have the votes. They have Jeebus, we have reason. Bring it on!

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Making room for the band to play?

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Well, this is interesting. John Sununu has arrived with irrelevant, absurd rumblings that are supposed to resolve the gigantic train wreck that is the Romney campaign. How's that supposed to work, exactly? He carries on about some web site and suddenly everyone forgets about the 47% and Libya and tax returns and Bain and everything? John, I think it's nap time.

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To truly enjoy the dickishness of Sununu check out his exchange with Brooke Gladstone on NPR's OnTheMedia: <a href="http://www.onthemedia.org/2..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.onthemedia.org/2012/aug/31/were-not-go...">http://www.onthemedia.org/2...

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OK. First I thought I was the 99% and was part of the middle class. Then Romney said I was lower class and now I’m the 47%. Right now I am 127% confused. (Math courtesy of FOX News)

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Most households that do not pay income taxes are able to do so because they use income exemptions, child tax credits, social security exceptions and other "loopholes" to get their taxable income to zero. In other words, they pay no more and no less than what the law requires. If Romney and the Repubicans want them to "take responsibility for themselves", they can start by repealing those tax provisions. Go ahead, try it.

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Yes, because if there's a single policy for which Pol Pot is famous, it's for <strike>murdering everyone with an advanced education</strike> greatly increasing financial aid available for students wishing to attend college.

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they are the right height.

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