San Francisco likewise. Local news promos keep talking about how public transit workers get, with much overtime, "6 figures", with a subtle hint of disapproval in their voice. As if I'm supposed to be upset that people working on a vital service make a living wage in San Francisco.

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Thank god(ess) for Tom's and the Overlook, still waving the flag against rampant gentrification. Is it just me, or does everything seem so shiny now? Please excuse me for a minute, I have to go chase some kids off of my lawn.

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The lawnz the problem... Now I grow beanz and berryz instead, and other thingz too, in the yard.

Many things are shiney, but there are still a few places with 80-year old concrete or wood floors, at least. Not like there uzed to be, though, but some of us appreciate them alot...

Or, instead of god(ess), might it be god(ette), here?

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Good for you - every year I think I should just get rid of the damn grass, but its so much work, and truthfully I am the Queen of Procrastination.

I do love the old stuff as well. Sometimes when I am walking my dog, I'll see the imprints in the sidewalk from 1911 (I love you K C Conley who I assume was the person who poured the cement). Then I'll get to my 90 year old house, and smile.

I'm still waiting for god(ette).

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Though, a couple yearz ago, someone stole the butternut squash I was growing instead of lawn, but I figured anyone who stole some squash probly needed it more than I did. And, I think I saw that "waiting for...", once, but I think it went over my head...

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Which are actually banned in Portland. Synchronicity, perhaps?

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Ha! I've been thinking "I really need a good handyman." So far I've got me (I like to garden, do carpentry, paint houses, make pies and ice cream), you (handyman), and a big guy who likes pie. We probably need someone who is good with animals, since I want chickens, a cow, and maybe some goats. Also, I may need help growing food. Can you think of any other skills we will need?

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Mittens, is that you? What have you been doing with yourself since America told you to go fuck yourself?

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If anyone felt a deep, burning need to steal my lawn, I would actively cheer them on.

And many things go over my head, which is why I wear a very attractive hat made of tin foil. Protection, you know?

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In NYC, the Rent Guidelines Board is in charge of compliance with a whole raft of state and city laws, and also setting percentage increases from year to year. Nine members, all of them (!) appointed by the mayor.

One of the most thankless jobs in the city, unless you really like having everybody hate you.

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Why would I be offended by that? My partner and I have very few expenses after rent and we could afford it. We chose to live in this house. I don't know my landlord at all and I'm in no position to say what they need. We're actually in a pretty good position right now; we're the lucky ones, I know.

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I always wondered if there ever really was TIN foil... so there must be!

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Well, aluminum is so damn bourgeois.

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That must be why we don't call it aluminium...Of course, getting some aluminum foil on a Wensday in Febuary would be a perfectly appropriate thing...

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Maybe they wouldn't hate them so much if the rent didn't go up every year, despite the apartment and their pay not having changed at all.

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Performance art at its finest!

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