Well, if her Republican brethren had their druthers, this wouldn't be an issue, as President Palin would be in the White House kitchen, where she belongs..

On a side note: do you notice how smoothly those words roll off your tongue - "President Palin"?

Smooth, like coarse grain sandpaper over a cheese grater.

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Last decade, off-duty Vice President Dick Cheney, already drunk, entered a Iraq, approached the victim (“a friend of a friend -- Rumsfeld was Saddam's pal”) from behind, put his drills up her skirt, and pumped her oil.


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Full of fec-es, however.

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He might not have embraced the religious right, but there's a reason the religious right has embraced Ron Paul - they realize that if libertarians ever succeed in their wet dreams of drowning the Federal government in the bathtub, it'll give them an opening to theocratize the states. Even though Goldwater would have found that outcome less desirable than Paul, he'd have enabled it all the same.

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Because you are now angry at Laura "You deserve what happens if you go to a bar" Parker?

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Or rape-ade out of rape.

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But the fact that John Kyl is a fucking US Senator will never be funny.

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Confusing cause and effect.

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Senator. Whole state.

But, your point stands.

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Oh ho, Sarah might counter...what about Todd's "stick"? Sorry Sarah, anything that needs to be fluffed by Bristlecone doesn't count.

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Because to them, rape is like potato chips. Rape the land, rape the environment, rape the economy, make jokes about prison rape, rape women who deserve to be raped. Rape rape rape rape rape...you can't stop at just one.

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The GOP dumbening is in large part Barry's fault. He really got the ball rolling on the unthinking embrace of the furthest right policies imaginable, regardless of consequence: SSA? Kill it with fire. Grannies will starve? Fuck 'em. Labor unions? Burn them! Workers will be killed by unsafe workplaces? Fewer mouths to feed! Plus, Goldwater's epic electoral whupping wiped out much of the Republican old guard and created the openings into which the young guns who valued ideology over functioning government started to insert themselves.

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I strongly recommnend we not stage any Wonkette Drinky Thingies in Arizona.

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Relax -- it appears that a mere 40% of the populace is dumb enough to fall for frothy bullshit spouted by obvious morons.

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And if America rapes a country, well, they were asking for it.

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And every democratically enacted bill by Democrats is "rammed down our throats".

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