Correct, McNaughton's the entire tool.

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<blockquote>Where's James O'Keefe? Why isn't he <strike>on this</strike> in jail?</blockquote>


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Wasn't Sally Kohn also the one that wrote the piece on Faux Noose about how Paulie Ryan's entire convention speech was nothing but lies?

I guess she's the new Alan Colmes. "What are you saying, of <em>course</em> we're balanced, we have Sally Kohn"

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Oh FFS, when will these idiots come to learn that misallocating a necessary product (e.g. gas or food or potable water) based on wealth is not preferable to misallocating it based on who's first in line.

Also too, the idea that using supply methods that are only viable in the presence of rampant price-gouging is a good idea demonstrates that these morons <strong>really</strong> don't understand the concept of efficiency, despite the enormous amounts of time they tend to spend bloviating about the efficiency of the market.

Shut up, morons! Shut up shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP!

ETA: Stossel also attempted to claim that price gouging would lead to lower consumption. No, you fucking idiot. Would you be willing to pay $50 to not have to wait 6 hours in line? Of fucking course you would. The wait is every bit as much an incentive to reduce consumption as the price would ever be, if not moreso. No, Stossel has money and believes to his very core that this should by him privilege. <em>That</em> is the argument he's making.

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He should probably stop using lead based finger paints, too.

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Aw Chet. Don't be mad! I know why American black people look the way they do! If McN. wanted people to immediately recognize this figure as an escaped slave, I don't know why he'd paint someone with "good hair" who would "pass". I had the depressing thought that he might have thought this man would be more appealing if he almost looked white.

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that's for sure how i'm spending my holidays.

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Hell, I intend to forget about it in a matter of days. ... What were we talking about, again?

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That leaves me 18.6% very, very worried. Today's NYT <a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2012\/11\/04\/fashion\/canada-would-welcome-election-losers.html\?hp" target="_blank">takes wry look</a> at Americans who think they'd move to Canada if Mitt wins, and how Canadians feel about that.

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As long as we're all agreed that Roger Moore isn't getting any.

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It was a hard rain that night, a cleansing rain, washing the dirt from the city streets.

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I guess it's supposed to be <a href="https:\/\/www.google.com\/search\?q=c-l-bryant&amp\;hl=en&amp\;rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS486US486&amp\;prmd=imvns&amp\;source=lnms&amp\;tbm=isch&amp\;sa=X&amp\;ei=1ZyUUOe3BIzC0AHy1YCwAw&amp\;ved=0CAoQ_AUoAQ&amp\;biw=1366&amp\;bih=635" target="_blank">this guy</a>, which I surmise only because of McNaughton's text, because the resemblance is... not strong.

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<i>Everywhere I turn, the finger points at me. You'll never understand, I'm in misery. 'Cause baby without you I have no one Oh, my sweet darling what have I done

And I don't want to live this life And I don't want to live this life And I don't want to live this life Anymore</i>

four more fucking days

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<blockquote>The point, of course, being that you need this painting in your salon immediately. To think otherwise would be… slavery?</blockquote>

Yes indeed, there's nothing more freeing than being told by some old rich white guy what you must think.

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And the irony would've been worthy of a goldy medal.

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