Jon Stewart brings us the story of Megumi Igarashi, a Japanese artist who was arrested on suspicion of breaking obscenity laws when she tried to sell 3D printouts of her vulva (let's be precise, OK?) to help crowdsource a project to build a kayak built from a much larger 3D printout of her ladygarden.
Tangential, but I think the linked article on <i>natsukashii</i> rather misses the point. The same effect is generated by &quot;Remember?&quot;, or maybe &quot;Good times, eh?&quot;.
I mean, the idea is that the people sharing the current moment have a <i>shared</i> memory. If you need to spell it out, it doesn&#039;t work anyhow.
Sheesh . . . even the automated related-video-finding thingy hasn&#039;t managed to find a &quot;related video&quot;.
EDIT: Wait . . . now it&#039;s found . . . a spectacularly lame-assed rendition of the same story. I hope they pay Wonkette a princely sum for the right to put up that dreck!
All this talk of penis this, vajay that - won&#039;t someone think of the assholes?
absolutely no patriarchy evident in the medical field. nope nothing to see here...
Tangential, but I think the linked article on <i>natsukashii</i> rather misses the point. The same effect is generated by &quot;Remember?&quot;, or maybe &quot;Good times, eh?&quot;.
I mean, the idea is that the people sharing the current moment have a <i>shared</i> memory. If you need to spell it out, it doesn&#039;t work anyhow.
Sheesh . . . even the automated related-video-finding thingy hasn&#039;t managed to find a &quot;related video&quot;.
EDIT: Wait . . . now it&#039;s found . . . a spectacularly lame-assed rendition of the same story. I hope they pay Wonkette a princely sum for the right to put up that dreck!
Ask me about my innovative submarine design.
Like sleeve of wizard? NO, LIKE GIANT YELLOW KAYAK