Even the wingtards must be tired of hearing the the Faux Snooze blowhards yammer endlessly about BENGHAZI!! Seriously, most of them don't even know wtf they're supposed to be outraged <i>about</i>

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Chicken fucking is the new Hitler.

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A do nothing congress would be an improvement.

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So the story about 92-year-old U.S. Park Ranger Betty Reid Soskin belongs on Wonkette, while the latest in Faux News fucktardery belongs over on HTNP?

I can't be the only Wonketteer who haz confuzzle here.

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To paraphrase Stalin: "Four deaths is a tragedy, four thousand is a statistic".

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Over on Fox it is axiomatic that there was a) coverup; b) stand down order; c) warnings; d) nothing else happening that day.

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Especially since they've now taking the production tack that they will not cover Presidential News Conferences unless they include Benghazi. You know, because nothing else the President, his press secretary or any other spokesman says could possibly be of import.

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But they are plenty outraged, nonetheless, and they are in no way tired of hearing Fox tell them (inconsistently) what it should be about this hour.

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Kill a man, you're a criminal. Kill twenty, you're a hero. Kill a thousand, you're a statesman.

But allow four to die in the middle of the night on the other side of the world, and you are history's greatest blah monster.

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