Future generations will marvel at the notion of climate science having a political bias.

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Yes, the existence of a weird brutal winter totally disproves "climate change". Of course, outside my window it's currently 60 degrees and we're having a drought. So by using the deniers "local weather report = Global" system of logic, I'd say Global Warming is pretty much right on schedule.

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The evidence of climate change is far greater than temperature variances. The ocean is growing more acidic which is currently damaging coral reefs, slowing shellfish reproduction, and starfish are starting to die in unseen numbers. Pests such as the mountain pine bark beetle are killing millions of acres of trees. There are bound to be changes occurring we haven't even detected yet but the wingnuts focus on bouts of cold weather proving there is no climate change. The science has long predicted that there will be wide swings in weather patterns. Less rainstorms but more violent and heavy ones, Less days of snow but days of heavier snow and so on. That's the tragedy of being a far right conservative: you have to believe the whole package. There is no climate change, no evolution, science is wrong and evil, and anyone who disagrees with that worldview is wrong and evil as well.

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Night disproves day and, tragically, the empty beer can in front of me disproves the 5 full ones in my refrigerator.

Logic sucks!

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'extreme weather events'.

it's very simple. it's very documented. it's very predicted.

fuck off.

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vj doesn't need to use a snark tag.

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Current generations already do. Just not the ones in the US of A.

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OT: I have this year-round beachfront condo on Hudson Bay that I was thinking of unloading. Will add a case of Canadian whiskey to sweeten the deal. <i>Call me</i>.

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Two doors down from the surf shop.

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From freedictionary.com

Simple <i>adj</i> 7a - Having or manifesting little sense or intelligence.

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"Seasons Disprove Climate Change"

Such a clever bunch...

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