Terrible candidates are terrible.

Sorry, that's all I got.

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When you look deep into Chris Christie's <strike>eyes</strike>ass, you can see the younger, nobler, and thinner people stuck inside him.

--Dr. Falbein, Proctologist

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I hate to judge somebody on their size. So, Chris, you've a despicable and hateful human, wastrel with taxpayer money, and hater of all that is good and noble. You're a big fat fuck and disgusting to behold, also, too, though.

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<i>he only wishes Chris Christie were running for president</i>

I know the wingnut punditz are bemoaning the lack of a "heavy weight" rightie for their candidate, but I don't think this was the solution they had in mind.

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Sorry guv, but your stomach is not a "gland".

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At least the many thin folks in Christie's eyes are all united in their hunger for just one more cannoli. I see a lot of folks in Bachmann's eyes, too, but they're clearly at war with one another.

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"focus groups that they made seem Christie semi-auhorized"

I realize that it must be hard to deflect blame for a massive and very public fuck-up in 140 characters, but still -- does anyone have the slightest clue what this re†ard is saying?

This is the problem with Twitter: it lets morons share their ideas with the world, long before those ideas can be hammered into actual coherent thoughts.

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