Fucked Up North America .. ♪We're going to build a prison, For you and me to live in♪

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I don't understand how *any* child could be assumed incorrigible for the entirety of their lives. I would think they should entirely ban "without parole" as an option for anyone whose crimes were committed before 25 (the average age the brain finishes developing). The parole boards tend to be hard to impress, anyway, so most of them will still end up spending the overwhelming majority of their lives in prison. -____- Especially since rehabilitation options are limited still.

Of course, I also have a problem with any child being sentenced as an adult at all, no matter the crime.

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am hoping Ms Reid answers the question in her show today

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Kegs and Bony remind me of Mrs. Gideon, the children’s bible teacher at my southern baptist church when I was six. She taught us that Jesus loves us regardless of the color of our skin. That Jesus loves us no matter what sins we commit. That Jesus was pure, uncritical love. When I was ten I found out that she was an irredeemable racist and that she did not practice any of the stuff she taught us. I’m all for expanding the court. Fuck those racist bags of crap.

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Call me naive, but if I knew that a 31-year-old man who had killed his grandfather at the age of 15 moved in next door, I honestly would not be worried about my safety. My reasoning would be that I am not his relative, I don't live with him, and he has almost certainly come to regret his crime. Murderers who killed in the heat of passion are widely known to be among the most remorseful and likely to rehabilitate of all criminals.

You can debate what this man, or any other killer, owes to his victim and the survivors. But keeping him locked up forever is just insane.

And JLC, kudos on a superb explanation of a very complex issue.

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This is where you get evidence that the GQP have "packed the court" in their favor, time to expand the bench to 29 jurists, DO IT JOE!!

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It's not all children who deserve to spend the rest of their lives rotting in prison. Just some children. The irredeemably melanistic, perhaps?

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Kavanaughesque is competeing to outdo the fiction.

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That was already the case.

Before Miller, 61 percent of children sentenced to life without parole were Black; since Miller, 72 percent of children sentenced to life without parole were Black.That will probably shoot up to 90% now.

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After that ruling it's now Mister Sippi to y'all.

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Fuck precedent and nuanced analysis. Party boy wants to get back to his brewskis. Some things do not get better with age.

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Upvote for finding the numbers.

Extremely depressing sigh for the reality of this shit.

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This is what happens when the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society get to nominate justices. It's no coincidence that all six voting in the majority are either Catholics (Thomas, Alito, Roberts, Kavanaugh, Barrett) or "Catholic lite" (Gorsuch, who was raised as a Catholic before becoming an Episcopalian). Of the three dissenters, two--Breyer and Kagan--are Jewish, while Sotomayor is Catholic.

It is remarkable how 'conservatives', whether Catholic or Protestant, profess their devotion to the Bible, but don't seem to have ever heard of, much less read, the Gospels. Apparently their 'faith' precludes redemption, or even the possibility of it.

This is just one more example of how a reactionary Court leads the country into Civil War, with a string of anti-social decisions, from Heller (2008), Citizens United (2010), Hobby Lobby (2014), gutting the 1965 Voting Rights Act (one provision at a time), and now this. The same way the pro-slavery Court in the late Antebellum pushed the country into the Civil War with upholding the Fugitive Slave Act, and especially the Dred Scott decision (1857).

That said and totally off-topic, I must chide the author for a grammatical error: when quoting someone verbatim, the correct phrase is "As Sotomayor says...", not "Like Sotomayor says..." "Like" would correct when paraphrasing, but not when quoting.

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Stare decisis is sacred!*

*Whined every conservative justice in history until now. When they basically gutted it and threw it in the toilet.

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Incarcerating children is surely a recipe for disaster.

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