"Libs who pretend to care about working class and middle class?" FUCK you, Michelle Malkin. We actually DO care about people, unlike you and your ilk and the Republican scumbags you work so hard to keep in office, who would eat live babies on television if they were allowed to.
And now this: (courtesy of <a href="http:\/\/crooksandliars.com\/2015\/01\/joni-ernsts-family-got-hundreds-thousands" target="_blank">Crooks and Liars</a>)
<a href="http:\/\/crooksandliars.com\/2015\/01\/joni-ernsts-family-got-hundreds-thousands" target="_blank">Sen. Ernst&#039;s family was a bunch of Takers, it turns out.</a>
I call BS. As someone who grew up in Iowa and who walked to school every day for the first 6 grades, I can tell you that bread bags were work not over one&#039;s shoes, but inside one&#039;s boots because: traction.
To hell with her. I am wearing Shur-Fine and America&#039;s Best hot dog bun bags on my feet today. I bet any money she had Bunny or Sunbeam. BULLSHIT.
Bloody pig balls are more convenient. Keep &#039;em in a silk purse.
The original Naturalamb&trade; rubbers!
Now you can buy the t-shirt. <a href="http://raygunsite.com/colle..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://raygunsite.com/collections/guys/products/b...">http://raygunsite.com/colle...
Maybe if there&#039;s a convenient pipeline spill in your neighborhood, you can use the oil to color your breadbags!
Nope, nope, they won&#039;t believe ya!
&quot;Libs who pretend to care about working class and middle class?&quot; FUCK you, Michelle Malkin. We actually DO care about people, unlike you and your ilk and the Republican scumbags you work so hard to keep in office, who would eat live babies on television if they were allowed to.
Privileged bitch when I was young I didnt even know what the fuck bread bags were my mom baked all our bread so suck it Joni you twit
And now this: (courtesy of <a href="http:\/\/crooksandliars.com\/2015\/01\/joni-ernsts-family-got-hundreds-thousands" target="_blank">Crooks and Liars</a>)
<a href="http:\/\/crooksandliars.com\/2015\/01\/joni-ernsts-family-got-hundreds-thousands" target="_blank">Sen. Ernst&#039;s family was a bunch of Takers, it turns out.</a>
I call BS. As someone who grew up in Iowa and who walked to school every day for the first 6 grades, I can tell you that bread bags were work not over one&#039;s shoes, but inside one&#039;s boots because: traction.
I remember being so excited when we could afford new breadbags, and I could stop wearing hand-me-downs.
Typical liberal elites, with their <i>Pepperidge Farm</i> breadbags . . .
AND school buses! no uphill both ways in 6 feet of snow for miss prissy!
To hell with her. I am wearing Shur-Fine and America&#039;s Best hot dog bun bags on my feet today. I bet any money she had Bunny or Sunbeam. BULLSHIT.
Having bread bags on your feet in the rain would be like walking on a Slip and Slide which means she fell down a lot. This could explain much.