I use them as insults.

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I think you assume too much.

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He should just be flattered that they got Chris Pine to play the character that was based on him. That's as close as he'll ever come to being in any way attractive.

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The way it was written it seems the author's personal feelings about Peterson matter more than the facts. The fact is Jordan is against compelled speech, something that's never been demanded in Canada before. Young men have been disenfranchised in modern society and it's no surprise that someone who works in mental health and teaches it would have an opinion. This doesn't make him some incel leader, he isn't Paul Elam, he's a happily married father who actual cares about his patients and society at large. I listened to his classes online ages before he got famous for not wanting to use the made up pronouns Ze and Zir, and that's after admitting he has used the he or she pronouns for men or women who did change their gender.

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Ridiculous. And offensive take. Just like that asshole, Peterson.

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Totally in character.

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"Je t'aime; moi non plus." One of the coldest, most cynical lines in cinema.

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Agree with Robin 95%, but not sure about this statement: "being an asshole is not an immutable characteristic." Does she scientific proof of this? My guess is at best being an asshole is like being an alcoholic. You can probably with a strict program of recovery change the behavior one day at a time, but I'm not sure whether or not you can change the essential nature of your assholeness. Also while some of the people are assholes some of the times, and some of the people are assholes all of the time, all of us are assholes some of the time.

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See? THAT'S why you've been married for a 2.5% of a millennium.

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I bet you do.

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Some get older and some get wiser, you seem to be a waste of your years.

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What a remarkably silly thing to say.

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I am out of the loop. I had to look up who he is.I am not impressed. I agree with Robyn.

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Who is Jordan Peterson?!?

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"Young men have been disenfranchised in modern society." What in the F does that mean?

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Well said.

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