If he finishes one of them Christian rehabilitations...He should be squeaky clean by continuous dipping into holy water and repeating bible verses 10 hours a day and praying the other 14 hours...Hell he could run for office once he is out...Because he has been reborn...or is it re branded lol.

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The Duggar cult said Josh checked into a treatment center. When is the last time you could believe anything this cult has said? JimBob is so damn arrogant, he probably thinks he is qualified to treat Josh (and Anna too) thru the Quiverful movement. He is probably couseling Josh and Anna at his home/church. Josh probably never left the cult compound.

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Wonder if Huckabee would consider him for President of Vice?

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Ah, so he will come out of the closet as gay to attempt to gain sympathy, then pretend to go through a conversion program to become ex-gay, then go on tour proclaiming how wonderful he is. It's brilliant!

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I'm sure Rash Lardball has a spare room down in Florida for Duggar to bunk for a while.

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Still a better love story than Twilight.

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I wonder what the phone message in the opening credits says . . .

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Yeah, no luck on the mowersexing, A Guy tried to do it all legal like, and the librul meanie at the County Clerk denial office said Nope!

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Murkins get all the good news stories, best we can hope for here is a A Guy knifing some passengers on the red-eye bus on his way to deportation.

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The good book says to love Thai neighbor, right?

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IKR! Same deal. We started taking two cars when I was in high school. My dad was a two pack a day Marlboro smoker who liked to chain smoke with the windows rolled up and the air conditioner on full blast. He was resistant to stopping for bathroom breaks. I was prone to sinus infections and asthma attacks, so we had the "girl car" with my mom and I and the "boy car" with my dad and 3 brothers. Our road trips prior to this arrangement were much like the opening scenes in the movie The Great Santini. I hward some great stories about boy's only road trips after I left for college! Good times, good times.

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It's our excellent public school systems in Georgia! NCLB Libelz!!11! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I juse saw the most excellent mockumentary, "The Execution of Gary Glitter". There is a call for a return of the death penalty in the UK and so they used the most heinous criminal they could think of, a incorrigible, unapologetic pedophile. Gary Glitter, IRL, sued to have it stopped. The court was like, get the heel outta here.

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You noticed that, huh? And what's, up with shooting dogs? #dogslivezmatter

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"Smell my finger" means something completely different in the Duggar household. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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"Georgia, at least we're not Florida, Alabama or Mississippi""Georgia, our governor is more corrupt than yours, New Jersey!""Georgia, most corrupt state government! We're number 1""Georgia, come for the 'peaches', leave with chlymdia!" https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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