"Affluenza" was the worst. More like Effluenza.

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Man oh man, what happened to those guys? Sure, it seems like they've always had Friedman- we all have some weird friends- but the narrative was theirs to lose. And, boy have they lost it.

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I always thought "it's bad enough you are a loser, but you have to whine about it, in a nasally, grammatically incorrect twang, to boot?"

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Lying POS!

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Yeah, he's probably pissed he spent all that money for nothing.

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Standard Republican practice. Example set from the top. But God does it grate like a file on the teeth as it goes on, and on, and on.

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That's because you are paying attention. Too bad they are not.

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She followed Roger Ailes to Fox, she's always been the enemy.

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She sure looks like they've been swigging it up backstage.

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my daughters' elementary school music, which could explain a few things...

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That dropped out of the news cycle so fast.

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Ordinarily I would say, "All right, I've heard more than enough from 'faith leaders,'-- enough to last me three lifetimes." But in this case, yeah, well said! But non-faith-leaders have been putting it as well, if not better, for much longer. So, there's that.

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She was pretty young, but barely legal, IIRC.

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Me too, what an evil waste of trees. I recycle them, but still.

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teh things you learn on Wonkette! Thanks.

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Also known as the "Dwight Yoakum Defense," (Not the man, the movie!)

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