As I demonstrate you should always suspect the sweet and innocent looking ones the most

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Our culture fosters the myth of "getting closure" and "getting justice" in the wake of violent crime, a myth that serves police and prosecutors along with the politicians who align with them. TV, from drama shows to true crime, reinforces this myth because it profits the corporations that create the audience. In real life, those who survive violence discover its complexity, and the futility of those myths--there is no "closure". I'm glad Governor Shapiro is responding to reality now.

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To be clear, I am extremely pro-Single Payer/Medicare For All but fighting for it makes me depressed and disappointed in humanity in a way I actually cannot bear. So I keep trying for baby steps. Maybe once people accept the radical idea that victims of crime should not have to pay any medical bills at all, we can move on to that.

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Mosaic Community Church?If they're worshiping Moses, then why are they a church?

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Pennsylvania hasn’t executed anyone since 1999. Shapiro’s predecessor, Wolf had a moratorium on executions. It remains to be seen if a full ban can pass our Republican controlled state senate, but it’s been a long time coming.

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The death penalty has never been about closure or justice. It’s purely about vengeance.

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"Many death penalty supporters feel that what they are doing, ultimately, is "for the victims and their families," so that they can get closure and move on with their lives."

Ironically, having the death penalty on the table means multiple appeals, and multiple times the victims have to go before the court to make sure the death penalty stands, or, the person doesn't get released. Not exactly 'closure'.

"Life without parole" actually is the thing that would give more closure, because the judgement was given, carried out, and the families can actually move on. Sure, there may be appeals, but not to the degree that fighting execution would bring

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They think the only thing government is good for is killing nonwhite people, whether here or over in the Middle East. So the death penalty fits in perfectly with their worldview.

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Closure's like gravity. Just a theory.

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Can you imagine how they'd fuck that up?

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I thought that was some touristy lunch place in 1940's Manhattan.

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Here's what one state discovered about how the death penalty actually worked. https://www.courts.wa.gov/o....

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"They're guilty of something"

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Yes. It is hard for people on the outside to even imagine how badly prisons treat sick and injured people.

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