James O'Keefe is a clear demonstration of how dangerous poor impulse control and poor judgment can be. His circus would be laughable if it hadn't destroyed Acorn and is disrupting Planned Parenthood.
James O'Keefe is not a journalist. He is a conservative activist. Just for those rare Wonkette readers who are not knowledgeable about these things. Wonkette puts "journalist" in quotations to make this point, but such subtleties may be too subtle for some. If he represents himself as a journalist, he could be arrested. He should represent himself as the dirty little cocksucker he is.
Dontcha just love what he did with the Muslim bakers? Really exposed the liberal hypocrisy there, didn't he.
(This is snark. I am snarking. The guy lied six ways from Sunday about those nice Muslim bakers. Talk about deceptive editing, not to mention the questionable legality of secretly filming people and using falsified video of them as propaganda. Actually strike that "questionable" part. Guy's ass should be in jail. The fact that it ain't seems like a wrong that needs to be righted.)
Hey, my brother-in-law was a Marine who went Army. It's not a great career move because they take so much time and if you don't dedicate yourself to one service you never get far in either service. I'm going to play my nerd card and say it can be compared to multiclassing versus single classing in Dungeon and Dragons, How To Be Incompetent At Lots Of Things.
It takes time to form bullshit.
James O'Keefe is a clear demonstration of how dangerous poor impulse control and poor judgment can be. His circus would be laughable if it hadn't destroyed Acorn and is disrupting Planned Parenthood.
Conservatives sure are sick puppies.
There's your investigative journalism for you, right there.
Remind me again why this perverted little twit is not locked up?
James O'Keefe is not a journalist. He is a conservative activist. Just for those rare Wonkette readers who are not knowledgeable about these things. Wonkette puts "journalist" in quotations to make this point, but such subtleties may be too subtle for some. If he represents himself as a journalist, he could be arrested. He should represent himself as the dirty little cocksucker he is.
At least he's been indicted. (At least I think he was one of those turds.)
Dontcha just love what he did with the Muslim bakers? Really exposed the liberal hypocrisy there, didn't he.
(This is snark. I am snarking. The guy lied six ways from Sunday about those nice Muslim bakers. Talk about deceptive editing, not to mention the questionable legality of secretly filming people and using falsified video of them as propaganda. Actually strike that "questionable" part. Guy's ass should be in jail. The fact that it ain't seems like a wrong that needs to be righted.)
I know, right? It sounded like a whole lot of fun until I knew that shit-muffin was involved.
The nuns stole all the vulvae. Who'd you think?
You sure Jimmie wasn't trying to make a porno?
That's even worse!
All part of the contest to be Worst State in America! Now we's can stick penises in unconscious people's mouths totes legally!
Hey, my brother-in-law was a Marine who went Army. It's not a great career move because they take so much time and if you don't dedicate yourself to one service you never get far in either service. I'm going to play my nerd card and say it can be compared to multiclassing versus single classing in Dungeon and Dragons, How To Be Incompetent At Lots Of Things.
I volunteer Ann Coulter, or better yet, Michele Bachmann, maybe O'Keefe can give her what Marcus isn't.
But "dirty little cocksucker" takes up soooooo much room on a business card!