Contraception pills mainly suppress eggs being released, but they also make the uterus less able to allow a fertilised egg to implant. So, in the rare event of a mature egg being released AND fertilised, it'll probably fail to implant and be lost in menstruation. Which, if you believe "life starts at conception", counts as an abortion.
They have the same problem with IUDs. They don't prevent fertilisation, they prevent the fertilised egg implanting in the uterus.
Of course they never talk about the fertilised eggs (Life with Rights, according to them) held in suspended animation in fertility clinics 🤷.
While I've never been to a Taco John's, I've heard of it for years, and always thought the REAL name of that place was a much better joke than when people like to call Taco Bell... Taco Smell - that always seems a little lame and childish to me - but to have at least the correct sounds in John's/Johns is well, not comedy gold, but still better.
Never funny
Contraception pills mainly suppress eggs being released, but they also make the uterus less able to allow a fertilised egg to implant. So, in the rare event of a mature egg being released AND fertilised, it'll probably fail to implant and be lost in menstruation. Which, if you believe "life starts at conception", counts as an abortion.
They have the same problem with IUDs. They don't prevent fertilisation, they prevent the fertilised egg implanting in the uterus.
Of course they never talk about the fertilised eggs (Life with Rights, according to them) held in suspended animation in fertility clinics 🤷.
Kegs Kavanagh.
Nope. Observe apostrophe. Not plural. Possessive.
I knew that - but the joke was clearly waiting to be made...
It is really a bad time to have given up smoking. I could really use a fag right now.
“I've heard”Fox’s new corporate motto?
She heard it through the grapevine.
These comments just write themselves.
I’m here all week. Be sure to tip your server.
A responsible news organization would run a correction, but this is Fox.
Not at fact, the empty boxes can make a nice little fort for grams to have a nap in. A yoga mat...maybe a "My Pillow"...and she's set!
What, she's too drunk to call Drizly?
"People are saying."
I rest my case... of cheap wine.
Ya got me.
No big deal.
While I've never been to a Taco John's, I've heard of it for years, and always thought the REAL name of that place was a much better joke than when people like to call Taco Bell... Taco Smell - that always seems a little lame and childish to me - but to have at least the correct sounds in John's/Johns is well, not comedy gold, but still better.
Suffice it to say that they are NOT very Mexican in flavor. And they're all over the upper plains states. Connect those dots, why dontcha?
I wouldn't know about the upper plains, as the closet I ever got is Minneapolis.