All 3 of my cats have decided they love the sort of torn up box I used to bring home some Aldi's groceries. They all looks like they are sailing in little boats when they get in it. Mr. cmd put some pineapples in it temporarily this morning and they let him know that was not acceptable.

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Donald J Trump, America's top crime fighter! Seeker of justice!! Defender of virtue and accountability!! Dear God, Somebody Stop Me!!!!.........

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Ted Cruz, who's definitely not the Zodiac Killer,

Are we sure about that? Because I remember hearing somewhere that Ted Cruz murdered a number of young couples in Northern California state parks in the late '60s and early '70s, and that he did so while wearing some sort of hood to conceal his identity, and that he then sent a series of coded messages to Bay Area newspapers.

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Lots of people are saying it. Lots.

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Woman has bigger balls than many conservative men. Details at 11.

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Bring him back! Bring him back!

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Voters in Loudoun County have already witnessed an unequivocal demonstration of the fact that when Ms Briskman speaks for her constituents, her voice will indeed be heard.

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Messages formed by cutting and pasting letters from soup cans. Lots of soup cans.Look it up, sheeple!

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And the wind, something fierce.

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Of the ballpeen variety, perhaps?

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I think you know which one. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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"Ozerden's time on the federal trial bench shows a consistent pattern of refusing to lead or to take a stand on important legal issues."

I.e. "Activist judges legislating from the bench." You know, that thing conservatives claim to hate. it's ALMOST as if they are radical hypocrites with no moral compass or set principles and values, arbitrarily changing their POV to whatever position they think benefits them on any particular issue.

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Be careful. You'll poke his eyes out.

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A sketch you need to see:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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